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If the acount is held jointly by both parties, either person can endorse the check and deposit it. If the account is only in the depositor's name, then both parties have to endorse the check. Check with your bank for the correct information.

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Q: How does obe person deposit a check made out jointly to two people?
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How can you cash a check that is not on your name?

You cannot. A check can be cashed only by the person to whom it is issued. He can either cash it directly or deposit the check into the account that is fully or jointly held by the person to whom the check is issued.

How can I deposit a check at Chase in person?

To deposit a check at Chase in person, you can visit a Chase branch and fill out a deposit slip with your account information and the check details. Then, give the deposit slip and the check to a teller for processing.

Can I deposit an unsigned check?

No, you cannot deposit an unsigned check. The check needs to be signed by the person who wrote it in order for it to be valid for deposit.

What should I do if I accidentally wrote "for mobile deposit only" on a check that I need to deposit in person?

If you accidentally wrote "for mobile deposit only" on a check that you need to deposit in person, you should consider crossing out that statement and then endorse the check as usual. Make sure to inform the bank teller about the mistake when you go to deposit the check in person.

How can I deposit a two party check without the other person present?

To deposit a two-party check without the other person present, you can typically sign the back of the check and write "For Deposit Only" followed by your account number. Then you can deposit the check through an ATM, mobile banking app, or by mailing it to your bank.

How can I deposit a check from Citi bank into my account using mobile check deposit or in-branch check clearing services?

To deposit a check from Citi bank into your account, you can use mobile check deposit by taking a picture of the check through your bank's mobile app. Alternatively, you can visit a branch and use their check clearing services to deposit the check in person.

Can someone else deposit a check made out to you?

A check that is made out to someone else can be deposited into your account if the person has signed the check. Check with your bank because many banks require that the person, who's name is on the check, be present during the deposit.

Can you deposit a check made out someone else?

A check that is made out to someone else can be deposited into your account if the person has signed the check. Check with your bank because many banks require that the person, who's name is on the check, be present during the deposit.

Is it possible to deposit SSS check into any other bank?

A person can deposit a SS check in an account as long as the account is in your name. The check also has to be in your name.

Can you deposit a tax check in your friends account?

It Depends: 1. Yes you can - If you are a joint holder of his bank account 2. No you cannot - If he is the only holder of his bank account This is because, a check can be deposited only into the account that is fully or jointly held by the person to whom the check is issued. So trying to put your fathers managers check into your account is a crime.

Where can I deposit a cashier's check?

You can deposit a cashier's check at a bank or credit union, either in person at a branch location or through their mobile app or website.

Can one signature deposit a joint check?

If the check says you or the other person. If the check is made out to you and the other person both of you need to sign it.