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Q: How does fund and securities flow in primary and secondary markets?
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If the primary circuit is closed, the current will flow through the primary coil, inducing a magnetic field. This magnetic field will in turn induce a current in the secondary coil, allowing for the transfer of energy from the primary to the secondary circuit.

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Differentiate delta to delta connection of the transformer to delta to Y connection?

In delta to delta there will be no ground on both primary and secondary sides. Leave the primary side but we take care on secondary side. If there any fault occurs on the secondary then there will be unbalanced voltages between the phases results in the flow of current through the secondary windings so only we are using star on the secondary side while having neutral to prevent such a current flow.

In a transformer what induces a current in the secondary coil?

The current flowing in the primary generates a magnetic field which induces a current in the secondary winding.AnswerNo current is induced into the secondary winding of a transformer. What is induced is voltage. Current will only flow in the secondary winding if it is connected to the load, and it is the load that determines the current, not the primary current.

What is percent Z pertaining to electrical transformers?

% voltage drop on full load from the secondary to the primary due to leakage reactance and the resistance of the windings.Answer'Percentage impedance' is a confusing term. It describes the value of primary voltage that will cause the rated secondary current to flow in the short-circuited secondary winding, expressed as a percentage of the rated primary voltage.

Why should the secondary of a voltage transformer not be short circuited?

A voltage transformer takes a primary voltage and steps it down to a smaller secondary voltage. This type of transformer will attempt to keep the secondary voltage at a specific ratio of the primary voltage. If you short it, massive current flow in the secondary is required to do this. For a similar reason a CT should never be open circuited - because it attempts to push a specific ratio of primary current through the secondary. If you open circuit the secondary, it takes a massive voltage on the secondary to accomplish this.

What is impedance voltage in a transformer?

Power transformers have an impedance (Z) rating that is listed in %. So the nameplate might state 5% Z for example. What this means is that when the secondary conductors are bolted together then 5% of the rated primary voltage is applied and will generate 100% current in flow in the secondary. Example: you have a 75KVA Delta-Wye 5% Z transformer with a 480V primary rating and 208/12 secondary rating. The amp rating of the secondary is 208A [75,000/(1.732x208)] So if you applied 24VAC to the primary with the secondary bolted together with busbar then you would have 208A of current flow.

When the transformer is connected to the power source the secondary current is 0 what is the possible fault in the transformer?

A secondary current of 0 would suggest to me that the secondary circuit is open. A normally operating circuit with zero current flow would be very unusual. No load in secondary circuit. No secondary current can also be attributed to the primary power source open or an open primary winding.

How do you calculate current flow transformer when 240 Vrms is supply?

The secondary current of a transformer is determined by the load and the secondary voltage applied to that load, and this, in turn, will determine the primary current by the inverse of the turns ratio. However, if you are asking about a transformer's rated secondary and primary currents, then you need to divide the transformer's apparent power rating (expressed in volt amperes) by the rated secondary and primary voltages respectively.