Finance Does Affect Society In Various Ways As It Is The Very Lifeblood Of Any Organization Or Household,Without The Source Of Finance It Might Be Almost Impossible To Operate So Finance Is Needed And It Is One Departnment That Can Never Be Ignored...Purchasing Of Needs&Wants,Maintenance,Salaries,Capital,Water & Electricity Bill For Example All Require Some Sort Of Finance...(SirSebastian)
finance represents the funds in exchange of anything with value. It greatly affect the economy because finance is one of the factors to be considered in determining the level of an economy. Economy is said to be futile without finances.
An operating lease does not transfer the risks and rewards to you (lessee) at the end of the lease period where a finance lease does. So in affect the operating lease can be thought of as renting the asset while a finance lease can be seen as a finance option to own the asset.
Economy, assets, liabilities, corruption, and corporate failure.
"The Halifax Building Society doesn't actually build homes. They are a bank that used to be called the Halifax Building Society. Now they go under a similar name. They can finance homes, however, they don't build them."
Well, micro finance means extend credit to small businessmen including those engaged in cottage and small scale industries viz., small farmers, fishermen, polutry nurturers etc,forming co-operatives of their own. Whereas public finance means credit extended by Government bodies to various institutions be it govt, semi govt, ngos etc. for welfare of the people of the society.
In finance the appropriate firm goal in a capitalist society is to meet the various demands of the society. This is done by amassing wealth which will give power to the society.
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They can trade affect sumerican society by
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providing banking and other finance services
It doesn't affect global society anyway.
It didn’t affect society. Not all things do.
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Ask yourself, how does your physical society affect the way you eat cheeze.