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By paying out less in interest on deposits than it earns in interest on loans

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Alphonso Nicolas

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2y ago
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11y ago

By using depositors money to make loans and charging interest on these loans. They then pay less interest to the depositors than they charge borrowers, the difference is the banks' profit.

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Q: How does a bank make most of its profit on it business?
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How does a bank make most of its profit on its business?

By paying out less in interest on deposits than it earns in interest on loans

Is Wendy's a nonprofit company?

Nope. They are in business (like most companies) to make a profit. In 2015, they made a profit of $274.5 million.

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Profit of a business?

The profit of a business equals all income (of all types) less all epenses paid by the business gives you the net profit of the business. Most businesses produce a Profit & Loss Statement which will provide the net profit after income and expenses.

How do banks earn profit from lending money to their customers?

The customer pays the bank interest on the loan. The bank pays some of this interest to its depositors. The difference between incoming interest and outgoing interest (minus operating costs) is the bank's profit. With most loans charging more than 10% interest and most deposit accounts paying less than 0.5% interest, the bank can make loads of profit!

Which business sector has the most opportunity for profit for entrepreneurs?

Read the blog second online income & choose the business sector has the most opportunity for profit for entrepreneurs

Why is it important for a business to make a profit?

Profit is one of the most important business goals. It is the motivation of profit that drives many people towards starting out in business in the first place. If you have invested a large sum of capital into starting up a business you are going to want to see a return on this at some stage. If you wish to expand your business in the future reinvesting profits is one way of financing it. Unless a business can make profits, it is likely to close down due to a lack of funds.

Why do people venture into a business?

for me...most people venture into business to have profit and to have xtra work.

What are one of the drawbacks of starting your own business?

Over 50 percent fail the first year, most don't make a profit...

What in an economic system in which most economic activity occurs in the private sector where business is conducted by individuals or organizations in order to make a profit?


Is an economic system in which most economic activity occurs in the private sector where business is conducted by individuals or organizations in order to make a profit?


Should profit be the most important business objective?

I think yes because if your not making more than you spend then there's not point having a business or trying to make money ! x