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Easy when a non asset is sold any gains/losses have to be put in the income statement and therefore the disposal is put in the net income in the cash flow statement.

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Q: How does Sale of a non-current asset on credit at its net book value affects Working capital?
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The features of trade credit as a short-term source of Working Capital Finance?

Trade credit is the credit line given by a seller to a customer, which allows delay in payment for goods or services. Its features in terms of Working Capital Finance are availability and flexibility.

What are examples of working capital?

Working capital is actual CASH money that you are able to use, for the business. It can be liquid cash in a bank account or credit that you can draw on, as needed.

What is cash credit?

it ithe credit facility for working capital requirement and the interst is payable on the usge. it ithe credit facility for working capital requirement and the interst is payable on the usge. In cash credit facility you can take out money of fixed amount even you have no cash in your account and you have to pay in within a time limit.

Can you renegotiate a Working Capital loan?

The lender will consider such requests of working capital loans with bad credit; however only where there is a clear business case that it makes sense for all parties.

What is working capital and what factors affect the size of working capital in an enterprise?

Requirements Of working capital depend upon various factors such as nature of business, size of business, the flow of business activities. However, small organization relatively needs lesser working capital than the big business organization. Following are the factors which affect the working capital of a firm:1. Size Of BusinessWorking capital requirement of a firm is directly influenced by the size of its business operation. Big business organizations require more working capital than the small business organization. Therefore, the size of organization is one of the major determinants of working capital.2. Nature Of BusinessWorking capital requirement depends upon the nature of business carried by the firm. Normally, manufacturing industries and trading organizations need more working capital than in the service business organizations. A service sector does not require any amount of stock of goods. In service enterprises, there are less credit transactions. But in the manufacturing or trading firm, credit sales and advance related transactions are in large amount. So, they need more working capital.3. Storage Time Or Processing PeriodTime needed for keeping the stock in store is called storage period. The amount of working capital is influenced by the storage period. If storage period is high, a firm should keep more quantity of goods in store and hence requires more working capital. Similarly, if the processing time is more, then more stock of goods must be held in store as work-in-progress.4. Credit PeriodCredit period allowed to customers is also one of the major factors which influence the requirement of working capital. Longer credit period requires more investment in debtors and hence more working capital is needed.But, the firm which allows less credit period to customers needs less working capital.5. Seasonal RequirementIn certain business, raw material is not available throughout the year. Such business organizations have to buy raw material in bulk during the season to ensure an uninterrupted flow and process them during the entire year. Thus, a huge amount is blocked in the form of raw material inventories which gives rise to more working capital requirements.6. Potential Growth Or Expansion Of BusinessIf the business is to be extended in future, more working capital is required. More amount of working capital is required to meet the expansion need of business.7. Changes In Price LevelChange in price level also affects the working capital requirements. Generally, the rise in price will require the firm to maintain large amount of working capital as more funds will be required to maintain the sale level of current assets.8. Dividend PolicyThe dividend policy of the firm is an important determinant of working capital. The need for working capital can be met with the retained earning. If a firm retains more profit and distributes lower amount of dividend, it needs less working capital.9. Access To Money MarketIf a firm has good access to capital market, it can raise loan from bank and financial institutions. It results in minimization of need of working capital.10. Working Capital CycleWhen the working capital cycle of a firm is long, it will require larger amount of working capital. But, if working capital cycle is short, it will need less working capital.11. Operating EfficiencyThe operating efficiency of a firm also affects the firm's need of working capital. The operating efficiency of the firm results in optimum utilization of assets. The optimum utilization of assets in turn results in more fund release for working capital.

What are the function of working capital?

Working capital is needed for the following purposes: (1) replenishment of inventory (2) provision of operating expenses (3) support for credit sales (4) provision of a safety margin

What are function of working capital?

Working capital is needed for the following purposes: (1) replenishment of inventory (2) provision of operating expenses (3) support for credit sales (4) provision of a safety margin

Trade credit may be used to finance a major part of the firm's working capital when?

the firm extends less liberal credit terms than the supplier.

Does a junior lien affect credit?

Yes. Any lien affects credit.Yes. Any lien affects credit.Yes. Any lien affects credit.Yes. Any lien affects credit.

Is capital a debit or credit to an owners equity?

Capital is a Credit Balance account. To increase capital and therefore increase OE, you will Credit the account. Not DEBIT. You Debit Cash, Credit Capital.

working capital?

form_title=Working Capital form_header=Stay competitive in a growing market by obtaining working capital financing for your business. Total financing amount needed?*= _Enter Amount[50] What is your annual revenue?*= _Enter Amount[50] How long have you been in business?*= _[50] How would you rate your credit?*= {Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent}

What is cash credit limit and bank guarantee limit in contract documents for construction works by contractor?

for the purpose of business working capital bank sanction against property and stock+debtors-credit = cash credit