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The "et" rhymes with "set" or "pet"

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Q: How do you pronounce baccalaureate?
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Related questions

What are example sentences of the word baccalaureate?

A baccalaureate is required for this job. Without Baccalaureate you will not have the job.

When was International Baccalaureate created?

International Baccalaureate was created in 1968.

When was Amman Baccalaureate School created?

Amman Baccalaureate School was created in 1981.

What is baccalaureate degree course?

A misspelling of "baccalaureate" A baccalaureate is a college bachelor's degree.

Is it better to have an International Baccalaureate diploma or a European Baccalaureate diploma?

It is better to have an international degree.

Can you give a sentence using the word baccalaureate?

the baccalaureate service was held at the church as usual.

Example sentence of baccalaureate?

The owner studied art and design at Baccalaureate level in France.

How do you spell Baccoralate?

That is the correct spelling of "baccalaureate" (bachelor's degree).

When was Blair International Baccalaureate School created?

Blair International Baccalaureate School was created in 196#.

When was Baccalaureate School for Global Education created?

Baccalaureate School for Global Education was created in 2002.

What is a baccalaureate university?

According to the Carnegie Foundation, it doesn't exist. Baccalaureate institutions are only colleges, not Universities.

What is the other name of bachelors?

baccalaureate degree.baccalaureate degree.baccalaureate degree.baccalaureate degree.baccalaureate degree.baccalaureate degree.