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Q: How do you find out if i was owed any money left over after my house sold at puplic auction?
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How can you find an investor to loan you money for a house?

look for private money lenders or hard money lenders on the internet.

Where do you find money?

You can find money anywhere; in the streets, on the floor in your house, in the trash, in a bucket, out a thrown -away wallet, in the sink, in water ,in class ,or flying around in the air like a kite.

Find a House With No Money Down?

If you thought that you could not buy a house with no money down, you would be wrong. There are ways to get around paying a down payment for a house if you know where to look. Find a home that has been on the market for a long period of time. The realtor will sometimes not require a down payment just to get the house sold. Homes that are sold by individuals are more likely to not require a down payment.

Can you buy a foreclosed home with no money down and poor credit?

Unlikely. Sorry to have to say that because by the nature of your asking the question, I suspect you are wanting to make money by buying real estate foreclosures. At least here in Texas, when you are buying a house at a foreclosure auction, who pay for the house right there at the sale - cash or cashiers check. That is not quite 0 down. The people who tout make money with no money down are telling you to leverage or borrow from family members to get the money. You are just delaying the risk or spreading it around then. I have made money in real estate, but not in foreclosures. I invest and work with several businesses. I have a few articles that speak to these as well as my foreclosure experiences. I spent a year trying to buy foreclosed homes and gave it up because I could not find a deal that made sense.

How do you find out to whom a house was sold?

how can i find out to whom a house was sold

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how to make money on WoW1)Check you Auction house, find items that are easy to get but are selling for a good price. Get the Addon Bottom Scanner it will find auctions that you can buy and then sell for more making you a Profit Akrosane lvl 40 mageWildstref lvl 50 HunterHealz lvl 70 priestbuy it off the internet!!!!2) There are four major money making strategies: Farming, Crafting, Daily quests and playing the auction house. The amount of gold earned depends on the dedication of the player, the economy of the auction house on the server, the server ratios of casual, serious, and hardcore players, and time periods surrounding a major patch.

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You'll either find it through Shop Wizard or Auction house :)

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It can only be obtained as a Starter Pokemon, from trading or from the Auction House.

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Try the shop wizard or the trading post or auction house.

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Making gold on the auction house is a tricky thing. I've found some decent success however it takes a lot of timeand dedication to research the markets you want to follow. Once you find a market you need to find the righttimes to buy and sell as well as the right items. Then you need to search for deals to turn profits. It also requiresa lot of start up money but it can be very beneficial. If you would like to learn how to start auction house trading.

Where can I find affordable designer furniture?

If you are wanting to update your furniture in the fashion of designer furniture, there are always auction houses. At an auction house, you can usually bid for items, such as designer furniture, for a nice little savings. Also, there are shops that sell designer furniture wholesale, which also save you some money.

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You get rough stones from mining OR buying them from a miner in the auction house.

Where can one find the book 'Sell Your House Privately'?

You can find the book "Sell Your House Privately" online from auction websites such as eBay. Alternatively, you can also purchase this book from classifieds such as Craigslist.