

Best Answer

to act rich, you have to pretend you are rich:

People should keep buying lottery tickets every week so they can win cash and get their own business someday after quitting their jobs.

  • I have noticed a pattern, people who act rich but aren't really sometimes act rude. they think of themselves too cool for the society. people don't like that about someone.
  • so you should just act like you have everything without being a jerk.... i hope i helped

New Answer:

Not necessarily pretending you are rich means you can act rich, acting like you have a lot of money is a stupid thing to do. Without bragging I am from a family where my father owns two businesses each earning him around $4m per year and my mother is a GP earning around £100,000 ($200,000) per year And very few people know this!! I do not act like i have a lot of money and i do not look down at my friends most of which live in poor rented houses and their parents on benefits. My advice is not to act like you have money but instead act like you are equal in wealth to your friends. I go to town with friends and i take the bus even though I know I could easily make a call and go in a stretched Limo! It is much easier to act like you have very little money when you have lots but to go the other way is extremely difficult without acting like a total Jerk! Act equal to the poorer people but do not show off to the people richer than you because they really don't care how wealthy you are, trust me I know!!... Hope I helped :-)

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