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The colonists acted in a very rude manner, but you can't blame them, the tax was high! The colonists also threw out pounds and pounds of tea into the ocean, so they wouldn't be taxed on it. How they acted is what today we call the Boston Tea Party.

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Q: How did colonists act out against new taxes?
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How did the colonists fight against the new taxes?

The colonists started boycotting, tarring and feathering tax collectors, and using cartoons/speeches/pamphlets as ways to protest the taxes.

Why were the colonists so against paying taxes to England?

because England kept raising taxes and putting taxes on new things and the colonists moved away from England to get away from high taxes

What set of laws placed new taxes on the colonists after the repeal of the Stamp Act?

Sons of liberty

What set of laws placed new taxes on colonists after the repeal of the stamp act?

Sons of liberty

Why did the colonists go against the king?

The colonists went against the king because he was raising all the taxes, and made new taxes for things that don't make sense. he raised the taxes so high that the colonists just couldn't stand it and started the Revolutionary War.

Why were the colonists so angered when Britain levied new taxes such as the stamp act and tea act without consulting them first?

The colonists were angry because they thought they should have some say in how high or low their taxes are. (Wouldn't you be, too?)

What did colonists do to let British parliament know they were against new taxes?

The Boston Tea Party.

Why did the British think the colonists would tolerate the Townshend Act when they did not tolerate the Stamp Act?

The British falsely believed that the colonists had objected to the Stamp Act of 1766 because it was a direct on internal tax. Therefore, they believed colonists would accept external or indirect taxes on imports. The Townshend Acts imposed new duties on products such as tea, lead and paint.

What did the Townshend Act create besides new taxes?

They boycotted goods

Why did the colonists dump the tea into the Boston Harbor?

to be free from taxesand to make the king mad and angry.

How did the colonists protest or show that they were against the new taxes?

They made up the Boston Tea Party and threw tea into the river.

What were the reactions of the colonists on the intolerable act?

the colonists where very mad and furious because they had just got a law about taxes taken away , and now here was a new one they had to worry about.