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(the idiom suggests that insufficient income can be supplemented in some way)

"To make ends meet, he began working more overtime."

"During the Depression, his mother did laundry for the church to make ends meet."

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Q: How can you use the words To make ends meet in a sentence?
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Should I apply for a payday loan?

You should not use them if you can avoid it. Such places cleverly avoid usury laws since they are not banks. So that means they can charge higher interest than banks. Now usually, if you have a problem making ends meet in a month, it is a recurrent or chronic problem. So if you cannot make your ends meet one month, you cannot do so the next month, plus the rest of the previous month, plus interest. So your debt keeps getting larger as you must take out more and more money with each month.

Is the payday advance loan services industry growing?

The payday advance loan service industry is growing along with unemployment. As couples face unemployment for one person, the other is forced to get advances in their paycheck to help make ends meet. There should be a decrease as unemployment starts to wane.

What are advance payday loans used for?

Payday loans, sometimes called cash advances, are short-term loans with no security options. They are generally small sums. The name comes from their typical use - a small stopgap to help people make ends meet until their next paycheck.

What should you do if you are being sued for credit card debt?

You should try to settle. In the end, they just want to be paid. You may need to severely cut expenses and get a second job to make ends meet. Then, keep your promise and pay up. You used their money and now you need to pay it back.

What does a mortgage underwriter do?

Determines if the borrower and property meet criteria to make a mortgage and at what rate and other terms.

Related questions

What figure of speech is to make ends meet?

What figure of speech is to make ends meet

What words uses tickbot and ends with the letter m?

There are no English words that meet the criteria, but bittock is a word you can make without the M.

What does the phrase making ends meet mean?

It means, for instance, that if there is a poor family who has barely enough money to survive coming into the house, then they have to go without luxuries to make ends meet. In other words, to be able to pay the bills.

What is a five letter word that ends in for?

There are no English words that meet that criteria.

What does meanmake ens meet?

make ends meet to make enough money to pay all your bills I can barely make ends meet is a common phrase meaning i can pay my bills but i have no money left over for spend money

What figure of speech is 'lets get to the meat of the matter?

to make ends meet means to have enough to survive and no more

What does 'to make ends meet' mean?

Having enough money to live on.

What is a 4 letter word that starts with z and ends with w?

There are no English words that meet the criteria.

What does Make ends meet mean?

If you make ends meet, you're making the budget balance - making the "back end" of the month meet up with the "front end" of the money coming in. In short, you're making sure you don't spend beyond your means.

What is a sentence with tenement in it?

The old tenement building was crowded with small apartments, each occupied by multiple families struggling to make ends meet.

What do you mean by make both ends meet?

"Making both ends meet" means to get your bills paid, get food on the table, and make a family run financially even on a limited budget where it isn't immediately apparent where the money for everything will come from. Making ends meet involves planning, budgeting, sitting down with the bills and a checkbook and a pencil, etc.

Is it ends meat or ends meet?
