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Get a credit card, max it out and put all the money on black. Double your money, keep doing this till you have enough to clear your debt. Easy.

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Q: How can you get rid of bad credit?
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Related questions

What companies are reliable in helping you get rid of bad debt?

Consumer Credit Companies are reliable in helping you get rid of bad debt, they contact your creditors and negotiate a settlement or monthly payments you can afford.

What can you do if a debt is reported wrongly to a credit agency?

dipute it with the credit bearue. they will do a full investigation and you may even have a chance to get rid of the bad credit because it was reported wrong.

Is eliminating a credit card bad for your credit?

Yes. Eliminating a card will hurt your credit, not help it. If you have to get rid of a card, cut it up and stop using it, but don't cancel it.

How does a person fix bad credit?

To fix bad credit, it can be a time consuming proposition. First you should consolidate all of your credit cards and slowly get rid of them as you pay them off. Pay off your car payments and mortgage payments on time and also stay at a job for a long time. Eventually, you will be able to get a good credit rating.

What bank you can go to get a bad credit loan you and your wife have bad credit?

Yes, you can get Bad Credit Loan.

What is a bad credit report?

A report about your credit that is bad.

What is the quickest way of restoring bad credit without paying?

get rid of ur dern credit card it ain't nuttin but a piece of plastic get dat cash so when u run out of it u cnt overdraft

How do you get rid of a credit card without it hurting your credit?

Transfer your money to another credit card.

Where can you get a bad credit loan?

Yes, you can get Bad Credit Loan.

What is a bad credit score?

425 is a bad credit score.

Is no credit worse than bad credit?

Not having a credit history is better than having a bad credit history. Bad credit is very bad... No credit is good. you are now ready to apply for credit. Start small, like a department store credit card. You must establish credit and use it in order to get a credit rating.

What if you have bad credit because of bills not credit card debts?

It is still bad credit history.