To have a personal loan from a bank you need to have a bank that you have an account with and a financial advisor at that bank. You'll meet with them to tell them why you need the loan and how you will pay it back.
no where !
It's possible to get a loan like this, but it's not usually the best financial decision.
It is quite tough to get a payday loan without a bank account but you can find some companies which offer these facilities too.
Maybe so. Look at the account agreement for your savings account and the promissory note for your loan. Both documents probably provide for a Right of Setoff. That means that the Bank has the right to take money from your deposit account to cover a delinquent loan account. Whether the bank can setoff a business loan from a personal deposit depends on other factors such as the type of business organization, whether you signed a guaranty agreement, the name of the borrower compared to the name of the depositor.
To have a personal loan from a bank you need to have a bank that you have an account with and a financial advisor at that bank. You'll meet with them to tell them why you need the loan and how you will pay it back.
no where !
It's possible to get a loan like this, but it's not usually the best financial decision.
It is quite tough to get a payday loan without a bank account but you can find some companies which offer these facilities too.
Maybe so. Look at the account agreement for your savings account and the promissory note for your loan. Both documents probably provide for a Right of Setoff. That means that the Bank has the right to take money from your deposit account to cover a delinquent loan account. Whether the bank can setoff a business loan from a personal deposit depends on other factors such as the type of business organization, whether you signed a guaranty agreement, the name of the borrower compared to the name of the depositor.
Debit Bank Account - Assets Credit Bank Loan Account - Liability
Yes to the extent that the loan becomes an asset (bank account, etc.).
A joint account is just another bank account which can be used for any purpose. Yes, you can use it to take a personal loan or pay for one. There are no restrictions reg. joint accounts not be linked with personal loans.
Fast personal loans can be obtained at a bank at which you have an account. If you are eligible for a loan you should be able to get the money there and then or you can have the amount transferred into your bank account. You can also get a personal loan quickly through pay day loan sites, however these will have a higher interest rate and can often be hard to keep up payments.
No. Credit history pertains to the individual. With the exception of joint accounts such as credit cards, not bank accounts.
No. Even if you qualify for a loan by means of age or employment or income, the bank will ask you to first open a bank account before you are granted a loan. so, in order to get a loan you need a bank account.
First Tennessee Bank is the leading bank providing Personal and business Bank account and services. It give fast approval loan and various kind of services to its personal customers.