everybody is gay
The primary difference between line function and staff function is accountability. Line functions are typically used for sales and production, while staff functions are used in production planning and marketing.
The production budget shows both unit production data and unit cost detais this true explain?
explain role of reserch in both production
to explain to the reader
output and exports
there are three stages of production mp>ap
production function is relation between firm's production and material factors of production
if at-least one factor of production is constant, production function is infact short-run production function
what is mcdonalds production function
s shift in production function
They enable production of chemicals that allows a modern society to function. Examples include production of plastics, shampoos, soaps, anti-biotics and medicines etc.
üProduction function shows technological relationship between quantity of output and quantity of various inputs used in production. üProduction function in economic sense states the maximum output that can be produced during a period with certain quantity of various inputs in the existing state of technology. üIt is the tool of analysis which is used to explain input - output relationships. üIn general it tells that production of a commodity depends on specified inputs. ü ü
In microeconomics, a production function asserts that the maximum output of a technologically determined production process is a mathematical production of input factors of production.
explain the role of coperative secter in production