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Technology can cause laziness because the person may sit around doing nothing all day but play Video Games, text, watch TV or use the computer. There is not much energy being used when doing these activities, which eventually causes laziness.

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Related questions

Is it lazier or lazyer?

lazier lazier

Who are more lazy girls or boys?

That has more to do with upbringing and personality than with gender. Some boys are lazier than some girls, but some girls are lazier than some boys.

What are lessons learned from I Robot?

Stop advancing technology to think for itself it will turn out bad and we will be even lazier and fatter

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What is the bad effects of the gadgets?

It can make us lazier to do the things that require hardwork. If we abuse them, there will be some consequences that might occur By: Michael Coronel

How is lazier spelled?

That is the correct spelling of "lazier" (more lazy).

What part of speech is lazier?

Lazier is an adjective. It's the comparative form of lazy.

What are comparative and superlative words for lazy?

Comparative: lazier Superlative: laziest

What are the advantages and disadvantages of technology and invention?

Although technology and invention have many advantages and disadvantages, the main reason things are invented is to make a task easier to perform. Technology makes tasks easier, quicker, more efficient, and better. On the other hand, technology can make people lazier, products are made more cheaply (which can be good for companies but bad for consumers), and technology can have adverse effects on a person's health and safety.

What are some devices that make use of wireless charging technology?

There are many devices that make use of wireless charging technology. Some electronic toothbrushes use this technology to recharge as do some electric cars from General Motors and Toyota. Some smart phones also use this technology.

What rhymes with crazier?

Lazier, hazier.

What is lazier in Irish?

níos leisciúla