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get a job u lazy heffer

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Q: How can I refinance my mortgage without a job?
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Related questions

How do you get your ex off of the mortgage without refinancing?

You can't. You must refinance.

What is a mortgage refinance loan for?

A mortgage refinance loan is exactly what the term implies. A homeowner can refinance a mortgage on their home in order to get a lower interest rate on their remaining balance on their mortgage debt.

What is reverse mortgage refinance?

It is where you have a Mortgage and you have improved your credit you can refinance to lower you monthly bill.

What are the benefits of a va refinance option?

"There are many VA refinance options. You may refinance your VA mortgage for a lower rate, you may cash out, or you may refinance your current mortgage to a VA mortgage if you qualify for one."

When should one refinance their mortgage?

One could refinance their mortgage when the interest rate decreases. However, one must also think the amount they have to pay to refinance their mortgage.

How can you remove the cosigner from a mortgage?

You must pay off the mortgage and refinance the loan in a single name.You must pay off the mortgage and refinance the loan in a single name.You must pay off the mortgage and refinance the loan in a single name.You must pay off the mortgage and refinance the loan in a single name.

What companies offer a no fee mortgage refinance?

There are many companies that claim to offer a no fee mortgage refinance. Such services are never free, it always costs something to refinance one's mortgage.

How can you refinance your home for a mortgage?

In order to refinance your home, you should look for a reputable mortgage broker. Work with the broker to find a good plan to refinance you home by looking at you current mortgage.

How can you refinance your home mortgage?

To refinance your home mortgage, you can go to a bank or credit union with the proper paperwork from your original mortgage and ask for refinance. There's usually fees involved, but if you need to, you can.

Where can one learn how to refinance own mortgage online?

There are many places online where a person can learn how to refinance their own mortgage. Websites such as, quickenloans, homeloans, and mortgage-calc all have info on how someone can refinance their own mortgage.

What are the lowest refinance mortgage rates?

The lowest mortgage refinance rates are currently around 2 percent.

How do you remove someone as a co-borrower on a mortgage?

Refinance the lending agreement without the person's being a participant.