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Keep the focus of your audience when doing a presentation. Ask for all cellphones to be switched off, and close the door to avoid any unnecessary interruptions. Provide refreshments.

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Q: Had you ever perform representation of your organization?
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Organizations exists for a defined purpose and this purpose defines objectives of an organization. Objectives differ from organization to organization that why every organization perform differently than other with different objectives.

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its the role of manager, he is the symbolic representation of an organization.

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Bureaucratic inefficiency refers to a failure of an organization to complete the work that it exists to perform.

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CMMI can be represented in three ways: staged representation, continuous representation, and constellation representation. The staged representation defines a set of maturity levels that an organization can achieve. The continuous representation allows organizations to select and focus on specific process areas. The constellation representation tailors the model to specific disciplines or industries.

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is a drawing that shows the structure of an organization, major job classifications,and the reporting relationships in short words a chart that provides visual representation of (anything)

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