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hey, hows your assignment going? stockton is getting warm these days..

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Q: Enron- list the parties who you believe are most responsible for the crisis of confidence?
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What loans were partially responsible for the home mortgage crisis during the 2000s?


Why did Bear Stearns fail?

Bear Stearns' leverage (the money it borrowed) was so high (30x plus) that a "crisis of confidence" developed. Investors began withdrawing money from Bear and counter parties (their customers) stopped doing business with them - effectively their liquidity dried up. It was a classic Run on the Bank. Financial institutions foundations are based upon confidence and trust, so a healthy institution can become insolvent almost overnight. Due to the "run", Bear Stearns was forced to sell to JP Morgan at a fire sale price.

What is the financial bailout package crisis?

There is no such crisis as the financial bailout package crisis. the bailout was created to overcome the financial crisis.

What are the exact dates of the 2008 financial crisis?

There is no exact date for the 2008 financial crisis. A financial crisis is a series of mishaps that happen together to cause a crisis.

What is the bailout plan?

The initial bailout plan was for nearly $700 billion. The latest stimulus package is another $250 billion The aim of the bailout plans, stimulus packages etc are to purchase bad assets, reduce uncertainty regarding the worth of the remaining assets, and restore confidence in the credit markets. Below are some reasons for such packages: 1. To Stabilize the economy 2. Improve Liquidity 3. Improve Investor Confidence 4. Reduce the impact of the financial crisis on the US Economy and GDP.

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Who was responsible for the Hungarian crisis 1956?

The communists

Do you agree that we are now in the economic and financial crisis?

Yes I do believe we are in a economic crisis

Is bank responsible for the recent global economic crisis?


What usually happens to the economic protest parties?

they fade away after the economic crisis ends

Who is responsible for the economic crisis?

America. Think of the downward spiral like in the Great Depression. If you mean who made it happen, it's really a matter of opinion. Some say Obama made this happen to us (which I don't believe because I'm an Obama fan, and I think they're just frustrated with the crisis).

Is the ozone layer in crisis because of tech?

Ozone layer is in crisis. Tech in some way is responsible because it was technology which created CFC's.

How do you know if a girl has no confidence?

Observe how she responds to stressful or difficult events. If she acts unreasonably shy and withdrawn or is overly hostile during a crisis (small or large), that's a fair warning of a lack of confidence.

Who was most upset by the nullification crisis?

I believe it was South Carolina

What loans were partially responsible for the home mortgage crisis during the 2000s?


Difference between conflict and crisis management?

conflict is between two or more parties and it manageable and short lasting while crisis is long lasting,involve systems and non manageable in some cases.

Define crisis management?

Crisis Management is the process of preparing for and responding to an unpredictable negative event to prevent it from escalating into an even bigger problem, or worse, exploding into a full-blown, widespread, life-threatening disaster. Crisis management involves the execution of well-coordinated actions to control the damage and preserve or restore public confidence in the system under crisis.

What is notable about this excerpt from Jimmy Carters 1979 speech A Crisis of Confidence in which the then-president Carter addressed the nation about our energy situation?

It uses a rhetorical question.