If you have co-signed and the primary borrower has defaulted, you will need to step up and pay. If not then it will hurt your credit rating.
CR= Credit.
how many points dose foreclosure decrease your credit score
When you ask a possible creditor to inquire about your credit, it may affect your credit. This is because it implies that you're possibly opening a new line of credit. But you have the right to look at your credit report without affecting your credit. When you request your credit report it's called a "consumer pull" and has no affect on your credit.
10 years for a 7, 7 for a ch 11,13 (in general most states)
Commonly there are 16 numbers in a credit card. The first digit is the major industry identifier and the first 6 digits including the major industry identifier are the issuer identifier numbers and the last digit is the check digit.
Winning a lawsuit will have no impact on your ability to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If you are a judgment creditor, the judgment might become an asset of the bankruptcy estate and the bankruptcy trust might choose to sell the judgment or enforce the judgment for the benefit of your creditors.. if someone files bankruptcy on as credit card does that a third party has charged on and the debt is cleared dose the third party continue paying for a debt that is no longer there
a cosigner is someone that also signs a note, meaning that if the original signer dose not pay the obligation the second signer or cosigner must pay. It means, if the person getting the loan does not pay it off, the cosigner is responsible for paying the loan off.
No it dose not delete all your files. It deletes the registry error files, and you internet catch files. That's it, its a trusted and pretty good program to use.
CR= Credit.
how many points dose foreclosure decrease your credit score
When you ask a possible creditor to inquire about your credit, it may affect your credit. This is because it implies that you're possibly opening a new line of credit. But you have the right to look at your credit report without affecting your credit. When you request your credit report it's called a "consumer pull" and has no affect on your credit.
10 years for a 7, 7 for a ch 11,13 (in general most states)
there's the graphic novel the mission files and i guess all of them because they all feature Alex rider dose this answer it ???
Tranmere Rovers walk out to the theme from "The Rockford Files", believed to originate from them regularly playing on a Friday night around the time when the show was on mainstream television
Commonly there are 16 numbers in a credit card. The first digit is the major industry identifier and the first 6 digits including the major industry identifier are the issuer identifier numbers and the last digit is the check digit.
yes it dose. your computer can delete it at any time it wants to if it thinks something is worn the files on itunes. i am haveing this same problem right now with my ipod. no need to worrie.
"Dose" is like a dose of medicine. "Does" is used like, "He always does nice things for her".