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This answer depends upon the schedule of cash value in the policy itself. Suggest you locate the policy, read it and then talk to the company. At this point, it's even possible that the cash value equals the policy's death benefit. In other words, the cash value could be significant.

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Q: Does your home beneficial 10 year payment life policy purchaced in 1957 still have cash value?
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Not if you haven't already accepted the payment. Your policy most likely states that if you 'accept' payment from a tortfeasor then you waive the right to recovery from your own policy. Also, if you have accepted payment but the amount you have accepted is less than the deductible under your own policy, your insurance company may still allow you to file under your own policy. The company will then pursue the tortfeasor or their insurance company for the remaining amount of the damage.

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Is policy remain valid if premium due is not paid?

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