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it is valid till 23:59:59 on the last day of the 7th month of 2009

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Has long island sound ever frozen over?

In doing some research on weather from newspapers and other sources, the following dates have evidence Long Island Sound has been frozen over: Years Long Island Sound Froze overYearsmonthcomments1637Jan. 23.Reference to ship-wrecked men making their way home to Boston from Long Island "upon the ice"1697-98*1Nov.-April31 snowstorms1704-05Late DecemberChristmastime - Hudson R. frozen solid.1719-20Jan. 20-March 1Hudson R. frozen solid - no vessels in or out of NYC1732-33Dec. - Jan.NYC harbor frozen, LIS blocked by large chunks of ice.1740-41*1Nov., Jan, Feb-Mar.More snow and longer freeze-ups than 1697-981779-801Dec. - Jan.People crossed LIS by horse and walking. Temperature recorded at -16oF. Possibly the coldest recorded winter. 42 in. of snow in southern CT. most harbors frozen 4 to 6 weeks. Ships frozen in.1783Feb. 10-17Western LIS permitted sleds and wheeled vehicles to cross.1786*1Dec. 4Hamden CT 20 in of snow, -12o F in Hartford on Dec. 12. First of 3 storms.1815Jan. & Feb.NYC ice bound at end of Jan. Nantucket Sound "solidly congealed"1821Jan 16-30Reached -17oF at Yale on 25th. Western Sound frozen, New Haven harbor frozen and out 7 miles into open Sound.1835-36Dec.15-16 Dec. 30-Jan 5. Jan 30 to Feb. 6Sub zero temps.-24oF in New HavenHist. of New London, CT1856Jan. 25-Feb. 27All water leading into NY harbor frozen1857Jan.18-19, 23, 24Severe winter week. Coldest month since Jan, 1780. LIS icebound for 30 days.1865Feb. 18"Several vessels were observed fast in ice" off of Greenwich HC1867-68March 5Ice prevented NYC to New Haven vessel traffic and sealed up LIS1883March 9Big Ice Jam on LIS. Hartford Courant.1885Feb. 18Vessels ice-bound. Passengers rescued by steamships. NYT1886Jan 27-Feb. 8Norwegian bark stranded in ice in Smithtown bay. NYT1888Jan. 27LIS Packed with ice. Vessels ice-bound. Hartford Courant1889Feb. 16LI boy found floating on ice on Gardiner's Island. Hartford Courant1893Jan. 12-15NYT articles on vessels frozen in ice.1899Feb 12,13,14Vessels ice bound in harbors - NYT1904Feb. 1Ice in the Sound for 8 weeks- Hartford Courant1905Jan. 26-Feb. 5Tugs act as ice breakers. - Hartford Courant& NYT1912Feb. 17Ice from New Rochelle to Execution Rocks, NYT1917-18Dec.-Feb 17Cars driven across LIS from Port Jeff to Stamford - Jan. 1, New Haven -7oF average temp. 21.6 oF1925Jan. 30-31Ice up to 18 in. thick surrounded Manhattan. Tugs had to rescue Sound schooners and vessels. Ferries had propellers sheared off. NYT1934Feb.Coldest Feb. recorded at -15oF - average 17.4 in New Haven.1940Jan. 31CG ice breaker damaged by ice! Hartford Courant1948Feb. 1Food delivered by walking over ice to man on island. NYT1955Jan skater falls through ice on LIS. NYT1963Jan. 1Tug disappeared, bodies and life boat encased in ice found in Huntington harbor. Hartford Courant.1977January-FebruaryWeeks-long icing. Broke up Feb. 27. Fishing boats could not return to port ice was so thick. Hartford Courant1978Observed by Malcom Bowman Ph.D. (Stony Brook U.)2003-04Observation by TMA seal-cam in Sheffield Is. Lighthouse.2004-05Observation by TMA seal-cam in Sheffield Is. Lighthouse.LIS freezing has an affect on dissolved oxygen, the presence of marine mammals, migratory and non-migratory birds and affects land temperatures and snowfall. The summers of 2004 and 2005 both had hypoxic conditions early.A special thanks to the Library of Congress, and Stephen Rice of the Connecticut State Library for their help.1. Ludlum, David, "The Country Journal New England Weather Book, Houghton Mifflin, 19762. Ludlum, David, "Early American Winters 1604-1820", American Meteorological Society, 1966.3. Ludlum, David, "Early American Winters II 1821-1870", American Meteorological Society, 1968.4. Ludlum, David, "Early American Hurricanes 1492-1870", American Meteorlogical Society, 19635. Bowman, Malcom, Ph.D.personal correspondence 8/11/08 regarding observed freezing in 1977 and 1978.*Possible freeze-overs: 1641-42, 1680-81, Jan. 1805, 1816-17-18 due to Mt. Tambora eruption, 1821, February 1823, January 1827, February 1829, December 1831-Jan. 1832, Jan. 1835, February 1836, February 1838,, 1883-84 due to Krakatoa eruption, Dec. 1863-Jan 1864, Feb. 1899 a great freeze over US, December 30, 1933, Dec.1969 & Jan. 1970. These years had winter periods possibly cold enough - but no direct mention of frozen LIS was found.Joe SchnierleinMaritime Aquarium at Norwalk