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It can if done improperly. Be very careful during the process and if you get an attorney to help you through it, ask him or her about any possible negative effects in your case. Below is an article on refinancing.

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Q: Does refinancing your home negatively effect your credit?
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How can one find more information about credit refinancing?

There are many companies available to help with credit refinancing. There is information on the Bankrate website about refinancing a home and when it is the best time to do it. The Quicken Loans website also has useful information about refinancing.

Where can one find bad credit home refinancing?

Bad Home Credit Refinancing can be found available through the FHA Loan program from the MyFHA website. Once you are on the page, you can apply online.

If you're refinancing your house but the contractor who was renovating is putting a lien on the house because you still owe him a small amount of money will that affect the refinancing and your credit?

If the lien is reported to your the 3 credit reporting agencies or even one as a collection it will effect your credit. If the lien is just on your home it will not effect your credit however you will have to pay the lien off when you sell or refinance your property. Also some of these liens have running interest which can be a shock in the future.

What does home refinancing exactly mean?

Refinancing a home means that the individual slowly repays their debt for their mortgaged home during the years. The terms for this refinancing of homes widely varies by countries and states, as well as certain economic factors like credit worthiness, risk or stability.

Where can one find information on refinancing home equity loans?

One can find information on refinancing home equity loans at local banks, financing companies and credit unions. There are also several online sites one can consult for information on refinancing home equity loans.

What is required to get refinancing and a home improvement loan?

There are a few things required to get refinancing and a home improvement loan. First of all, you must have good credit so the bank knows that you will pay them back.

What effects the home mortgage refinancing rate?

Several factors affect the home mortgage refinancing rate. The amount of money the bank has to loan out is one such factor. Another factor is the borrower's credit rating.

Where can someone with bad credit find a home refinancing loan?

While it is difficult for people with poor credit scores to refinance their home, it is not impossible. However, people with low credit will be unable to get the best deals on their mortgage. The best option is to attempt to improve your credit score before refinancing by paying bills on time, wiping out debt, and keeping spending low.

How will voluntary repossession of my home in Texas affect my credit?

The effect on your credit will depend on how the lender chooses to report it to the credit bureau. Sometimes a lender will be willing to report it 'paid as agreed' or 'settled' entry on the credit report rather than an actual repossession. If it is reported as an actual repossession or foreclosure it will be on your credit for seven years and negatively effect your rating.

How hard is it to apply for refinancing in California?

Refinancing qualifications does not depend on the overall state in which you live, but your overall personal credit score. if you are looking to refinance your home you must obtain a credit score of atleast 700.

Where can one find home refinancing rates?

One can find home refinancing rates from the following companies: "Bank rate", "Zillow", "Credit Sesame", "Capital One", "Realtor", "Kiplinger", "Pncmortgage", "Nationwide", "AARP", to name a few.

Where can one find information on refinancing the home mortgage equity loan?

The Federal Reserve website offers a consumer's guide to mortgage refinancing. Some bank websites, such as University Credit Union for example, offer information on the advantages and disadvantages of refinancing vs. home mortgage equity loans in particular.