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if someone looks into your credit report, yes it will effect your credit score. it will reduce between 3-10 points.

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Q: Does it effect your credit score when request your personal credit file?
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Where do I find out my credit score?

You can use a credit check service to get your credit score. Also, depending upon your credit card company, you can request a free credit score once every 6 months.

How can one qualify for the cheapest mortgage rates?

Having a good credit score is important for getting cheap mortgage rates. One can request their own credit score and show it to potential lenders; this is superior to having lenders request one's credit score, which can affect the score.

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What effect does a credit score have on a mortgage?

The credit score can effect mortgage rates in a lot of differnt ways. If someone has a high credit score he get a lower mortgage rate and if someone has a low credit score he gets a higher mortgage rate.

Why would checking your credit score effect your credit score?

{| |- | Requesting a credit report will NOT affect your credit. You have the right to look at your credit report without it affecting your credit or score. When you request your credit report it's called a "consumer pull" and has no affect on your credit. The only time when requesting a credit report can affect your credit is when you ask a possible creditor to inquire about your credit. This is because it implies that you're possibly opening a new line of credit. |}

Where online can a person find information about their personal credit score?

A person can find information about their personal credit score from websites such as Credit Karma, Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. These sites can provide a free credit report, credit monitoring services, and information on improving their credit score.

How will it affect your credit score if lender requires you to have checking account so they can withdraw payments from each month?

Having a checking account has no effect on your credit score. Bouncing your checks has a big effect on your credit score.

If your request for credit is denied by a credit card issuer such as American Express does it negatively impact your credit score?

It depends on how many open credit accounts you have. But will only have minimal impact on credit score.

Will a chargeback effect fica score?

If you have a chargeback, that is a credit to your account. This will not affect your credit score negatively or positively.

Does getting a auto insurance policy in your name effect your credit score?

No, it does not affect your credit score at all.

Where can a person get a credit score report?

One can get a credit score report from many different places that offer them, such as credit consulting companies. One can also request a credit score report from the Equifax, Annual Credit Report, and TransUnion websites.