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Yes, the cashier's check needs to be signed by the sender. In some cases, the bank signs the check but this is rare.

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Q: Does a cashiers check have to be signed by the sender in order for it to be cashed by the seller?
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If seller accepts check and cashes check for purchase of a house is this binding?

In the United States, all contracts for real property must be in writing to be legal. Different states have other provisions. If the seller cashed a check without any signed paperwork attached, it may not be binding. If the seller cashed the check and there was signed paperwork, and it was legal under the laws of that area, it probably was binding.

Do you have to sign the bottom portion of a cashiers check before you give it to the payee?

Yes, you have to sign a cashiers check before you give it to a payee. Some cashiers checks do not have to be signed. If there is a space to sign, you need to sign.

Can a purchase agreement be signed first by the seller ....Is this binding?

Yes, a seller can sign the agreement first, but it is not binding until all parties have signed and the signed copies have been delivered.

Can a check you wrote be cashed if you forgot to sign the check?

Not really. The institution where the cheque is presented for encashment should refuse it but if they don't notice it may get cashed. If you know it wasn't signed, however, you can have it recalled.

What is the seller's responsibility if damage occurred to the house the night before the closing?

I believe that you are responsible as the seller for any damage to the property until the papers are signed in the closing . At that time it becomes the new owners responsibility. Check with your realtor and closing attorney. Generally speaking, the seller still owns it and it is therefore his problem.

Related questions

If seller accepts check and cashes check for purchase of a house is this binding?

In the United States, all contracts for real property must be in writing to be legal. Different states have other provisions. If the seller cashed a check without any signed paperwork attached, it may not be binding. If the seller cashed the check and there was signed paperwork, and it was legal under the laws of that area, it probably was binding.

Do you sign a cashiers check if you are the purchaser?

Cashiers checks, also known as tellers checks or bank checks, are signed by a representative of the bank, not the purchaser. Money orders are typically signed by the purchaser.

Do you have to sign the bottom portion of a cashiers check before you give it to the payee?

Yes, you have to sign a cashiers check before you give it to a payee. Some cashiers checks do not have to be signed. If there is a space to sign, you need to sign.

When a cashiers check is obtained from the bank does it need to be signed?

Yes, a cashiers check is signed by an authorized representative of the bank. Then the person the check is made payable to will have to endorse the back of it, just as is done on any other type of check.

Can an unsigned check from a deceased person be cashed?

No, an unsigned check cannot be cashed, whether the accountholder is alive or dead. A check must be signed to be valid.

Who signs the cashiers check?

A cashier's check is signed by an official representative of the bank that issues it.

Can a purchase agreement be signed first by the seller ....Is this binding?

Yes, a seller can sign the agreement first, but it is not binding until all parties have signed and the signed copies have been delivered.

When does the post office return a certified letter if it has not been signed?

To the Sender

What if a recorded delivery letter is refused be signed for?

It's simply returned to the sender.

Can a check you wrote be cashed if you forgot to sign the check?

Not really. The institution where the cheque is presented for encashment should refuse it but if they don't notice it may get cashed. If you know it wasn't signed, however, you can have it recalled.

Who signs a cashiers check the purchaser or the bank issuing it?

It's signed by an employee of the bank - to authorise the funds being paid to you.

When is a real estate contract valid?

When it has been signed by the buyer and seller.