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If there was a valid, fully paid up life insurance policy in force for the person who died when he died, and if the circumstances of the death are within the coverage of the policy, then the insurer is required to pay the claim.

An example of circumstances outside a policy:

Many policies exclude coverage of death by suicide. If the person committed suicide, then a policy that excluded it would not be payable. If suicide is suspected under those conditions, the claim may not be paid while an investigation determines whether it was or was not suicide.

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Q: Do life insurers have to pay a claim?
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If there are more than one claimant in a life insurance policy, all of them are to make claim for the pay out.

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Simply advise your insurers you no longer wish to proceed with your claim.

Do life insurance companies want to pay claim?

Reputable life insurance companies do want to pay claims. They wish to develop positive consumer images, stay in line with regulatory requirements, and grow their business. Life insurance companies are able to cap their risks to some degree, unlike certain other kinds of insurers. By this I mean the a life insurance company is on the hook for a fixed benefit equal to the amount of insurance purchased by or on behalf of the insured. This is in contrast, for example, to an auto liability insurer that has a range of dollars that it may pay on a claim up to the maximum amount of coverage purchased. All of that said, a life insurance company will conduct an investigation as to the cause of death and to make sure that the insured did not misrepresent his state of health when the policy was purchased. This does not mean the it wishes to deny the claim, but instead, to make sure that it is a proper claim and that the policy was issued based upon accurate information.

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You're probably best off to leave the work to your insurers. This way, if something goes wrong with the work, you should still be covered.

Will insurance cover if borrower doesnt have a drvers license?

If you are listed as a covered driver on the Insurance Policy then yes they will pay the claim whether you are licensed or not. Most Insurers will not offer you an auto insurance policy to begin with if you are not licensed but some will.

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Who owns the car if it is totaled?

The insurer is legally the possessor of the car once they pay out the total claim. Insurers will then try to either sell the car to a rebuilder who will fix it up and sell it or to a re-processor who will scrap it for valuable parts and recycle the rest.