

Disadvantage of debt financing

Updated: 9/17/2023
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12y ago

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banks are usually unwilling to fund a business in its early stages of development

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Q: Disadvantage of debt financing
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Banks are usually unlikely to fund a business in it's early stages of development. Lol, APEX ;P ~MTCSowder

What is A disadvantage of debt financing?

Banks are usually unlikely to fund a business in it's early stages of development. Lol, APEX ;P ~MTCSowder

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Bank loans are an example of debt financing. They are debt, because they are money loaned to people or companies by banks. Bonds are also examples of debt financing.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of debt financing?

Banks are usually unwilling to fund a business in its early stages of development. Banks generally don't want to take the risk that a business will fail and default on its debt obligations.

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What is financing mix?

it is the mix of debt and equity financing for an organization. it means the ratio of debt and equity in the finance of an organization. it may be debt free and full equity financing and vice versa.

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They are equity financing and debt financing.

Which is an advantage of equity financing over debt financing?

One advantage of equity financing over debt financing is that it's possible to raise more money than a loan can usually provide.