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Practicing a business is full of tough choices and conflicts. It's best, when faced with these, to remain true to what you know and what your mission and goals are.

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Q: Dilemmas and conflicts that you may face in your practice?
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What conflict or dilemmas that you may face in your practice?

frustration,and confusion always try your best. You can do it!

Where may there be conflicts or dilemmas in relation to sharing information?

There may be conflicts when sharing information with partners when confidentiality is broken. Conflicts may also arise when information reserved for a "need-to-know" basis is unveiled.

How potential conflicts or dilemmas may arise between the duty of care and an individuals rights?

It is best practice to make sure that the individual is aware of th consequences of their choice and they have the mental capacity to understand the risks involved in their choice. It is their right as an individual to be able to make informed choices about their own lives even if you disagree with their choice.

What obstacles do psychologists face?

Psychologists may face obstacles such as ethical dilemmas, confidentiality concerns, and resistance from clients to engage in therapy. Additionally, navigating insurance limitations and dealing with burnout are common challenges in the field.

Can there be different conflict plots within the antagonist and protagonist?

Yes, both the antagonist and protagonist can have multiple layers of conflicts within themselves. The antagonist may have inner conflicts such as doubts, fears, or moral dilemmas, while the protagonist may struggle with personal issues, goals, or past traumas. These internal conflicts can add depth and complexity to the characters, making them more realistic and relatable to the audience.

What internal and external conflicts does Katie face as a result of her dad death?

Katie may face internal conflicts such as grief, guilt, or confusion over her emotions surrounding her father's death. Externally, she may struggle with changes in the family dynamics, financial issues, or even conflicts with other family members over decisions related to her father's estate or arrangements.

What conflicts and dilemmas may be created by difficulties in communication and language?

Difficulties in communication and language can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and conflict among individuals or groups. Dilemmas arising from these challenges may include feelings of frustration, isolation, or exclusion, as well as barriers to building trust and fostering productive relationships. Difficulty in expressing thoughts and emotions accurately can also hinder effective problem-solving and decision-making processes.

What Moral issues face gay and lesbian people?

Gay and lesbian people face exactly the same kinds of moral issues that straight people face. In addition, some may have conflicts with the religion they were raised in.

How does Sarty's conflict in the Barn Burning by William Faulkner compare to similar conflicts that children may face today?

Sarty's conflict in "Barn Burning" involves loyalty to his father versus his internal sense of morality. This can be compared to children today who may struggle with conflicting loyalties between family members or friends, or with choosing between right and wrong in difficult situations. The theme of internal conflict and navigating moral dilemmas is universal and can be seen in various contexts.

What conflicts did john Lennon face?

John faced many conflicts in his life. A few of them may have dealt with career decisions and songs. But one of the most important ones is what to do when the band split up, keep singing or retire.

What is ethical dilemmas that may arise from reproductive and gene technologies?

reproductive technolgies

What are some ethical dilemmas that you would face as a educator at a child care centre?

An educator at a child care center may see evidence of child abuse and would have to inform the authorities about this abuse. Workers may also see coworkers or supervisors that may be prejudiced against a child for race or gender.