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A Futures market is a forward market that trades through a centralised exchange, just like most stocks do. The classic forward market occurs as an Over-The-Counter (OTC) trade, rather than through an exchange.

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Q: Difference between futures market and forward market?
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Advantages of operating in forward market?

Forward market allows the dealers to concentrate on their core line of business because they don't bother themselves with the risk of currency exchange. There is no premium paid upfront on forward contract as compared to futures and options.

How does futures brokerage relate to investing?

A futures broker acts as a liaison between the futures market and every-day investors, since investing in the futures market can require a great deal of paperwork and a physical visit to a trading pit. Futures brokers are licensed to buy, sell and trade on behalf of their clients, collecting a fee to do so.

What is future and forward contract?

Forwards Contract: A forward contract is the simplest of the Derivative products. It is a mutual agreement between two parties, in which the buyer agrees to buy a quantity of an asset at a specific price from the seller at a future date. The Price of the contract does not change before delivery. These type of contracts are binding, which means both the buyer and seller must stay committed to the contract. This means they are bound to deliver or take delivery of the product on which the forward contract was agreed upon. Forwards contracts are very useful in hedging Futures Contract: A futures contract is an agreement to buy or sell an asset at a certain time in the future at a specific price. The Contractual terms of the futures contracts are very clear. The Futures market was designed to solve the shortcomings in the forwards contracts. Unlike forwards, futures are traded in organized exchanges. They also use a clearing house that provides the necessary protection to both the buyer and the seller. The price of the futures contract can change prior to delivery. Hence, both participants must settle daily price changes as per the contract values. Difference: Futures are traded in Organized Exchanges while Forwards are Over-The-Counter (OTC) traded

What is the difference between dealer and stock markets?

differance between stock market and dealer market?

What is the meaning of IV or OIV in relation to Futures and Options market?

oiv means in stock market

Related questions

What is the basic difference between a forward and future market?

A forward contract is a private and customizable contract that needs to be settled at the end of the agreement and is traded over the counter. A futures contract has standardized terms and is traded on an stock or commodity exchange, where prices are settled on a daily basis until the end of the contract.

What is the difference between commodities and stocks or the difference between commodities and futures?

Commodities are things - stores of value, like gold, wheat, soybeans, cocoa, cotton, oil, etc. Futures are contracts for the future delivery of something - could be a commodity, stock index, foreign currency, bond, etc.

Advantages of operating in forward market?

Forward market allows the dealers to concentrate on their core line of business because they don't bother themselves with the risk of currency exchange. There is no premium paid upfront on forward contract as compared to futures and options.

When you choose future contract over forward contract?

When there isn't an active market for the forward contract. Generally, Futures contracts have a much more active open market than forward contracts and have alot more choice in terms of expiration months than forward contracts.

How does futures brokerage relate to investing?

A futures broker acts as a liaison between the futures market and every-day investors, since investing in the futures market can require a great deal of paperwork and a physical visit to a trading pit. Futures brokers are licensed to buy, sell and trade on behalf of their clients, collecting a fee to do so.

What type of company is the Commodity Futures market?

there are two types that are part of the commodity futures market. A normal futures market is one where the price of the nearby contract is less than the price of the distant futures contract. The other is an inverted futures market, the price of the near contract is greater then the price of the distant contract.

What has the author Joseph M Monahan written?

Joseph M. Monahan has written: 'The Foreign Exchange Market: Spot, Forward, Futures, and Options'

What type of market is the commodity market?

there are two types that are part of the commodity futures market. A normal futures market is one where the price of the nearby contract is less than the price of the distant futures contract. The other is an inverted futures market, the price of the near contract is greater then the price of the distant contract.

Difference between forward market and spot market?

Spot market is also known as "cash market" where the commodities are sell on the current price or the spot rate and deliver immediately, where as in case of forward market, market dealing with commodities for future delivery at prices agreed upon today (date of making the contract).

Explain the difference between forward contracts and futures contracts?

Forwards Contract: A forward contract is the simplest of the Derivative products. It is a mutual agreement between two parties, in which the buyer agrees to buy a quantity of an asset at a specific price from the seller at a future date. The Price of the contract does not change before delivery. These type of contracts are binding, which means both the buyer and seller must stay committed to the contract. This means they are bound to deliver or take delivery of the product on which the forward contract was agreed upon. Forwards contracts are very useful in hedging Futures Contract: A futures contract is an agreement to buy or sell an asset at a certain time in the future at a specific price. The Contractual terms of the futures contracts are very clear. The Futures market was designed to solve the shortcomings in the forwards contracts. Unlike forwards, futures are traded in organized exchanges. They also use a clearing house that provides the necessary protection to both the buyer and the seller. The price of the futures contract can change prior to delivery. Hence, both participants must settle daily price changes as per the contract values. Difference: Futures are traded in Organized Exchanges while Forwards are Over-The-Counter (OTC) traded

Who Regulates commodity exchanges and trading in agricultural metal and other commodities?

CFTC... Commodities Futures Trading Commission

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