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It defines the scope or spheres within which the decisions can be taken by subordinates in the organization . it permits the lower level management to deal with problems and issues without consulting top level management every time for decision .

It is the guideline developed by the organization to govern its actions , they define the limit within which the decisions must be made .

It also deals with acquisition of resources with which organization goals can be achieved .

Business policy is the study of roles and responsibility of top level management , the significant issues affecting organization success and the decision affecting organization long term run .

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Q: Define business policy
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What are common elements of business policy?

A business policy is the set of guidelines an organization follows and they define the limits of how decisions are made. Common element of a business policy include specific and clear policies so there are no misunderstandings. Policies should be appropriate simple, and uniform.

Define policies and procedures?

A policy is a rule that governs how a company conducts business, such as a 30-day return policy. A procedure is a set of steps for administering a process, such as the procedure for issuing a refund (the process) for an item that was returned to a retailer or the procedure for turning on a complex piece of machinery.

What is the business policy and explain the importance of business policy?

A business policy is : guidelines to facilitate achieve predetermined objective as plan(decision making) involving all levels of the management in any business organisation.It set a statement on the mode and manner how the objectives will be achieved. Without a policy the organisation will function arbitrarily in an anarchic way and may not reach its objectives.

What is business policy and strategy?

Using business policy and strategy is called strategic management. Strategic management helps business make decisions and use information that help achieve company objectives.

What is organizational policy?

Organizational policy refers to a set of rules that define an organization and its operations. This outlines management and employee relationship and expectations among other objectives.

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What are common elements of business policy?

A business policy is the set of guidelines an organization follows and they define the limits of how decisions are made. Common element of a business policy include specific and clear policies so there are no misunderstandings. Policies should be appropriate simple, and uniform.

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a policy for trading.

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What does business policy means?

a business policy deals with the rules and regulations of that building.

Importance of business policy?

A written business policy communicates your companies expectations about employees appropriate employee work performance. Policy illustrates the acceptable performance boundaries.

What are the factors affecting business policy?

There are many different factors that affect business policy. These different factors range from shareholders to the dividend policy of a certain business.

Describe the evolution of the field of business policy to strategic management?

What are the Evolutiosn of business policy

Evolution of business policy and strategic management?

evolution of business policy and strategic management?

What features should an effective business policy have?

A business policy defines how a company operates. An effective business policy must specific, clear and uniform. This will ensure there are no misunderstandings.

Can your personal umbrella policy cover you if your business is sued?

No, a personal umbrella policy generally excludes all business and business exposure. A personal umbrella protects an individual. If your business is insured with a business/commercial policy to protect the business it would be a commercial umbrella.