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Basically the person is agreeing to terms stated and is accepting the responsibility to pay the amount the card issuer claims is due.

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Q: Credit card company sent you a agreement to pay charges what is this?
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Can a credit card company bill a consumer for unauthorized charges if the credit card was improperly issued by the credit card company and the card was not activated and was stolen from the home?

Notify them that the credit card was stolen to the credit card company and dispute all the charges on the credit card. You would also have to file a police report if the credit card was stolen. The credit card company must investigate the charges.

Can a credit card company hold an agent personally responsible for charges made on behalf of the principal on a company credit card?

The only way is if you signed an agreement to be responsible for the card. The card agreement was first signed by an officer of the company and then added you as a authorized user. But they can't hold you responsible for any of the debt unless fraud is envolved and then you don't need to worry about the card company you will have much bigger problems.

What is an agreement to pay charges from a credit card company?

Basically the person is agreeing to terms stated and is accepting the responsibility to pay the amount the card issuer claims is due.

What is an annual credit card fee?

Its a fee the credit card company charges you yearly for using their money

What to do when false charges on credit card bill?

Contact the card issuing bank and raise a complaint about fraudulent usage of card details. They will conduct an investigation and revert the charges if they find that your card has been misused.

Can a credit card company hold you responsible for a credit card if no application contract or agreement of terms exists?

If a card was received and used by the named person then a contract is implied and there does not need to be a written, signed agreement.

What can you do if you got fradulent charges on your card but the credit card company dismisses your claim?

Yuni is awesome. :D

Where do you report someone for using your credit card?

You can go to the credit card company if you need evidence, they can help you track the charges. Then you go to the police.

Can a company withhold pay in lieu of proof that charges made on a company credit card were not personal?


What is con ed nco?

I don't know who they are, but a company by this same name has made fraudulent charges on my credit card. My credit card company told me they don't have a phone number for them and it's listed as a utilities company. I never pay for my utilities with my credit card.

When are you in credit card debt?

A person is in credit card debt when they have charges on their credit card and can not pay them. A person can make charges on a credit card and make payments at a later date. When a person charges on their credit card, the charge is now a debt that must be paid.

What fee is charged to transfer a credit card balance?

The fee charged to transfer a credit card balance varies from $0 to a certain percentage depending on the credit card company that you are dealing with. Chase Business credit card charges $20 per transfer whereas American Express One charges 10%.