Hi,the saffron building society have printed all their costs,which is updated to 1/09/08 they state £135.00 to remove name from deeds.
By definition a mortgage is secured on the deeds of the house. They will have the deed (or officially have their name legally registered for the property) if they have given you a mortgage.
Unmarrie couple both name on deeds the mortgage is on his name
You need to check on your state laws. That being said, in more cases the answer is NO. He can not.
removing husband from home when name is not on the deed?
Not necessarily as you could have used the deed as security against a loan and the person lending you the money can take the house from you if you fail to meet the loan repayments. (They will usually hold the deed for you while you owe the money). Also it is best to check with the land registry to see who the government thinks owns the house. As in may countries deeds are being replaced by official property register databases.
Title deeds.
If you are purchasing your house with a loan or mortgage then you do not actually own it, the title deeds are in the name of and held by the person or organization lending you the money. You can redeem your house by paying off this mortgage and thus gaining ownership of the deeds of title to the house.
No. they don't. a person has to have the deeds to property in their name to own it.
By definition a mortgage is secured on the deeds of the house. They will have the deed (or officially have their name legally registered for the property) if they have given you a mortgage.
The law in England and Wale is common. Proof has to be made that the names of the persons on the deeds are authentic. Then it is required that if the deeds are in joint name that there is no requirement of A Will to stop the progress of such an application. A Conveyancing Solicitor must be employed and they will require proof that the person is deceased (production of the death certificate), that you have right to seek the name change i.e. its in joint name with yourself. They will also check that the property is not subject to probate. If this is clear and there is no underlying reason. Then they can apply to have the right of deeds changed into your name soley
Once the court has approved the settlement plan. The executor can issue a new deed on behalf of the estate.
The first name of Adam Sandler's character in Mr. Deeds was "Longfellow"
your reputation and your life.
Unmarrie couple both name on deeds the mortgage is on his name
The house was bought during the marriage and is therefore communal property. He would be entitled to half the value of the house.
You would have to deed your interest in your spouses house back to her. If the lien is in both names you would either have to refinance in the new owners name only or see if the bank will allow a qualified assumption of the existing mortgage.