no a credit card company may not take your home away. a creditor can never take anything away if the debt is unsecured such as a credit card. regardless of what anyone posts here, credit card companies cant do anything whatsoever if you stop paying them. your credit is ruined and they call alot, but that's all they can do.
they will take your money and repossess your belongings
A lender can use a credit card in various different ways. They lender can issue the credit card and make money from the interest. The lender can also take credit card payments from the borrower.
Yes you can. =Answer= Yes! Take your other credit card you accidently paid a balance on and use the ATM machine and take out the amount you want, then apply it to the credit card you want too.
credit mean were you take money debit is what you give money
credit mean were you take money debit is what you give money
No cheque
Take away its credit card
Take away his credit card!
Only if you have authorized them to do so.
no a credit card company may not take your home away. a creditor can never take anything away if the debt is unsecured such as a credit card. regardless of what anyone posts here, credit card companies cant do anything whatsoever if you stop paying them. your credit is ruined and they call alot, but that's all they can do.
they will take your money and repossess your belongings
A lender can use a credit card in various different ways. They lender can issue the credit card and make money from the interest. The lender can also take credit card payments from the borrower.
Yes you can. =Answer= Yes! Take your other credit card you accidently paid a balance on and use the ATM machine and take out the amount you want, then apply it to the credit card you want too.
No they cannot