Loan companies normally can't take money from your account if you haven't taken out a loan with them. However, some loan companies send checks to people as ads. If you cash the check, you're taking out a loan and the company can take money from your account.
Banks and savings and loans may pre-approve you, but you will need to open an account with them if you choose to take the loan. If you have a problem opening an account, you will need to get that cleared first.
A joint account is just another bank account which can be used for any purpose. Yes, you can use it to take a personal loan or pay for one. There are no restrictions reg. joint accounts not be linked with personal loans.
I got my budget loan 10 days from when i sent my slip off
I personally would because a lot of companies will either extend the time of your loan or else when you sign up for them they get your checking account number to debit the account. What I would do is before they take out a payment take out what is left and close the account. Then deny you signed up for it.
Loan companies normally can't take money from your account if you haven't taken out a loan with them. However, some loan companies send checks to people as ads. If you cash the check, you're taking out a loan and the company can take money from your account.
Banks and savings and loans may pre-approve you, but you will need to open an account with them if you choose to take the loan. If you have a problem opening an account, you will need to get that cleared first.
Read your loan probably has a clause specifying they can.
A joint account is just another bank account which can be used for any purpose. Yes, you can use it to take a personal loan or pay for one. There are no restrictions reg. joint accounts not be linked with personal loans.
NO! do not trust!
The names on the account are irrelevant. If you've given them the account number, the school will take the money from the account - whether you're the primary name or not..
What is an in trust for (ITF) account?
I got my budget loan 10 days from when i sent my slip off
what does account durration mean when getting a loan
Bank account DR To Loan account
The biggest factor is whether you fully own the site. The bank will take that as high evidence that they'll be able to trust you with a loan.