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You still owe the balance after the insurance money is paid, if there is a balance. You can only get rid of it, along with your other unsecured debts, by filing bankruptcy.

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Q: Can you still owe money after your car is repossessed and you are bankrupt?
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Can your car get repossessed after bankruptcy?

not if you still owe money on it

Can you still owe money after your car is repossessed because of the recall?

If it is repossessed, you will owe the difference between the loan amount and what they sell the vehicle for.

Can you buy another car even though is repossessed?

If you have had a car repossessed, you have not kept up with the payments. You probably still owe money on the repossessed car. In these circumstances, the fact is that you can not afford to purchase another car and would not be able to obtain the finance to do so.

Can your car be reposessed after six years?

If you still owe money, it may be repossessed at any time.

Can you still owe money on a car that was repossessed and resold to another buyer?

yes. When a vehicle is repossessed by the bank it doesn't mean that you stop making payments. You are still liable for the loan.

F a car was repossessed two years ago and you put an old car that a friend had on the road can they come after that vehicle for the money still owed after auction?

No. They can repossess their collateral (the car which was repossessed), and they can send a collection agency to hound you for money, but they can't confiscate your property.

You owe money on a repossessed car but the car was refinanced to someone else do you still owe?

I believe you would owe the difference. If you owed 10,000 on the vehicle and it was repossessed and someone else bought it for 8,000 you would owe 2,000.

If you have never had a car repossessed you have had a house repossessed Can I still get a car loan?

Most likely not depending on what financial situation you're in.

In Utah can your wages be garnished for a car that was repossessed?

You do not owe money for a car if it has been repossessed, so your wages can't be garnished for that reason.

Is money still owed if leased car is repossessed?

Yes, and potentially more than was owed before the repossession due to accrued fees.

Can you let a car be repossessed with scratches on it?

A car can still be repossessed if it has scratches or some slight damage. The current value of the car is normally used when netting off the debts.

Can I buy a car from a bankrupt?

Are you asking if you can buy a car from a bankrupt company? If so, then the answer is yes. For example, you can still buy a Pontiac even though the company has gone bankrupt because they still need to sell their remaining automobiles that are left in inventory.