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Majority of the time it depends on the investor of your loan as well as the company that services the mortgage. Most companies will require that you have deed in lieu paper work submitted a certain amount of time before a foreclosure sale.

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Q: Can you still do a deed in lieu once foreclosure papers were signed?
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What is a foreclosure deed?

A foreclosure deed is the deed required to be filed by the winning bidder at the auction, usually within 30 days, assuming the bidder is able to complete whatever s/he needs to actually pay for the property.

How long does a deed in lieu of foreclosure take to give back the property?

With the consent of the property owner and lender, the deed is valid immediately after it is recorded in the county public records. It is a good way to avoid the foreclosure process, but, oddly, many lenders will not accept such a deed and insist on the expensive and tedious foreclosure process.

Will a deed in lieu of foreclosure go on your credit report?


Are you responsible for loan debt if you are on the deed to house but not on the loan?

No. Not unless you signed the note. However, the lender may have the power to take possession of the property by foreclosure if the mortgage loan isn't paid.No. Not unless you signed the note. However, the lender may have the power to take possession of the property by foreclosure if the mortgage loan isn't paid.No. Not unless you signed the note. However, the lender may have the power to take possession of the property by foreclosure if the mortgage loan isn't paid.No. Not unless you signed the note. However, the lender may have the power to take possession of the property by foreclosure if the mortgage loan isn't paid.

What happens to the first Deed of Trust when the second is in foreclosure?

SInce the first is in a superior position, nothing happens to the first. Any purchaser at the foreclosure sale would then have to pay off the first deed of trust.

Related questions

Can a wife whose name is on the deed and the mortgage do a deed in lieu without the husband?

No. If the husband is a grantee on their deed then he must sign the deed in lieu of foreclosure. If only the wife signed then the lender would acquire only the wife's interest in the property.No. If the husband is a grantee on their deed then he must sign the deed in lieu of foreclosure. If only the wife signed then the lender would acquire only the wife's interest in the property.No. If the husband is a grantee on their deed then he must sign the deed in lieu of foreclosure. If only the wife signed then the lender would acquire only the wife's interest in the property.No. If the husband is a grantee on their deed then he must sign the deed in lieu of foreclosure. If only the wife signed then the lender would acquire only the wife's interest in the property.

Can you do Deed in lieu after foreclosure?

deed in lieu after foreclosure?

Does a Deed in lieu of foreclosure affect credit the same as a foreclosure?

Deed in lieu of foreclosure is not nearly as devastating to your credit as is a full foreclosure. Below is an article about the pros and cons of deed in lieu.

Can a quitclaim deed stop foreclosure?

No. The deed would only complicate the foreclosure process and cause an increase in legal costs. The mortgage takes priority over the deed since it was granted first. The grantee in the quitclaim deed would take the property subject to the mortgage. The foreclosure would still be filed against the mortgagor.

I don't want to lose my home to foreclosure. Can I deed it as gift to family?

Yes but someone still has to pay the mortgage.

Where may you obtain a 'Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure'?

A deed in lieu of foreclosure is a deed to real property accepted by the lender from a borrower who is in default. It is accepted in order to avoid the expense of a foreclosure. If you are in default you would need to negotiate with your lender to see if they would accept a deed in lieu of foreclosure from you. There may be other consequences of a deed in lieu so you should seek the advice of an attorney if you are in default and contemplating your options. There may be a community service available for foreclosure counseling in your area.

Deed in lieu?

Often confused with a "short sell", a "deed in lieu" is used when a homeowner facing foreclosure asks the lender to accept the deed instead (in lieu) of foreclosure. A sample request for a deed in lieu can be found at the source below.

What is a foreclosure deed?

A foreclosure deed is the deed required to be filed by the winning bidder at the auction, usually within 30 days, assuming the bidder is able to complete whatever s/he needs to actually pay for the property.

Can you modify a Deed of Trust in Maryland while in foreclosure?


Can banks be forced to accept a deed in lieu of foreclosure?


How long does a deed in lieu of foreclosure take to give back the property?

With the consent of the property owner and lender, the deed is valid immediately after it is recorded in the county public records. It is a good way to avoid the foreclosure process, but, oddly, many lenders will not accept such a deed and insist on the expensive and tedious foreclosure process.

Does value consideration transfer ownership?

No. A deed signed by the owner transfers ownership. The consideration is mentioned on the deed.No. A deed signed by the owner transfers ownership. The consideration is mentioned on the deed.No. A deed signed by the owner transfers ownership. The consideration is mentioned on the deed.No. A deed signed by the owner transfers ownership. The consideration is mentioned on the deed.