Made payments on July but they get a letter explaining (id theft) some1 took my money from my bank , Can I recover $$ I already pay for? from who?? This event doesnt concern the lender on your car.This between you, the bank, and whomever did the ID theft.Can I sold the car and pay the dealer?":IF you can PAY OFF THE LOAN,YES. This is best done with the lender assistance on the paperwork,ect.
One of the main benefits of the MasterCard prepaid card is that it's very safe to use. In the event that your card gets lost or stolen, you can easily recover your money.
you could lose your entire balance in the account if it has reached the wrong hands
It IS their account. The only way to keep the money in an account is to sign up with them for an account that requires both signatures for withdrawal. Otherwise, the money will be used.
Overdraft limit refers to the limit to the amount of money a customer can withdraw from his account even though there is zero balance in his account. For example, large companies get this features of OD by pledging shares of their company with the bank. The company has a month's time to pay back the OD amount failing which the bank can sell the shares to recover the money.
No, not unless you have a court order to do this to recover your losses.
It shouldn't cost any money. Try the password recovery options; however, this may, or may not, be successful. Your chances are better if you indicated a password, or a recovery question, before the account was stolen.
No, I dont think so. But, if you have stolen from the government or owe the government any money, then the law can try to recover the money from your EPF Account payment depending on the laws applicable at the time of the incident.
This depends on how much money was stolen and where the crime was committed (which country or state)
Ask for it back. If you don't get satisfaction, call the police. Do not attempt to steal it back, as that is also a crime.
If the money is deposited into the account that has the overdraft, yes they can recover their monies.
Why would they report it stolen?? IF it was stolen from you, then YOU would report it stolen. The lender loaned MONEY so they will recover money(garnishment, leins, ect.) if the collateral disappears. They will eventually find where you are working and you will pay for not only the car but court fees. Do yourself a favor and give the car up it's not yours.
No. Any website claiming that they can hack your money on Roblox is fake and should not be trusted. If you use them, you may get your account stolen.
The courts can order the individual to pay back the stolen money through a civil judgment, which legally obligates the person to repay the estate. If the individual refuses to comply with the court order, enforcement actions such as wage garnishment or seizure of assets may be used to recover the stolen funds on behalf of the estate.
Probably not--check with a CPA.
Prepaid debit cards are useful because they are not linked to an account. Therefore, if the card should be stolen from you, you do not have to worry about someone being able to get money out of your bank account. You only lose the money you have on the card.
It would be necessary for you to file a civil suit in the appropriate state court of residence to attempt to recover monies you believe to be owed by your ex spouse. In regards to the withdrawal of money from a bank account, if the account was joint he had the legal right to do so and the issue should have been addressed in the dissolution of marriage petition.