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No, such activity only lowers your credit rating. It goes against your total indebtedness. Plus, if they default it can kill your credit rating and take years to remedy. Mark

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Q: Can you improve your credit score by cosigning for someone who has little or no credit?
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How long does it take to improve credit score?

The quickest way to improve credit score is to pay off any outstanding debts. If you have little on your credit, then you can get a credit card and start working on good credit. Always make your payments on time. Just be careful to avoid late payments and getting ahead of yourself.

If a collection agency is after a small amount of debt and you pay that amount in full how will this payment improve your credit score?

It can improve your credit score a little, but to make the best improvement possible contact them and negotiate to have them remove their listing on your credit reports completely in exchange for your payment in full. This will help your credit FICO score the most.

How student improve their compartmants?

You need to be a little more specific if you want someone to be able to answer that question.

Which prequalify loan allow you to apply online with very little credit or for someone who is self employed?

First Equity Mortgage is a prequalify loan allow you to apply online with very little credit or for someone who is self employeed. You can get more information at

How can you improve your horrible credit?

You can stop buying frivolous thing. Don't use your credit card. PAY OFF ALL OF YOUR STUFF. Don't get behind on bills. And sober up a little bit

Can anyone provide credit score advice for financing a house for someone with a forclosure on their record?

People with bad credit can still buy a home,there are specific companies out there designed to suit your needs.You can improve your credit score by keeping up to date on your credit report and disputing anything that may seem a little off to you. Consolidate your debt and try to get interest rates lowered or see if your lenders will settle for a lesser amount than what you owe.

What are credit purchases?

credit purchases are goods that you buy on credit and and pay little by little to pay to the person you owen.

How can your partner and you get a home loan if we both have bad credit?

You will still be able to get a loan even with bad credit. You will probably have to pay more than someone who has good credit, but you should still be able to obtain a loan. The process is a little more intense and might take a little longer, but it should still be possible.

How can you get a credit card with little or no credit?

There are a few ways you can get a credit card with little or no credit. Check the websites I've added. They should be able to explain in detail.

If someone with great credit co signs for some with bad credit does it help the person with bad credit?

The person with bad credit pays back the loan that the good credit helped him with in good payment statis. Have payment met on time or a little early will help the person with bad credit. The person with good credit is very generous with his credit. If the bad credit person does not pay on time or falters the loan. the Good credit person will have a problem . Not the bad credit person. Helping someone get back on their feet is a good thing. Make sure that your Good credit is not in jepordy.

What are some ways you can get your home refinanced while having bad credit?

Refinancing is possible with a poor credit rating but the interest rates will be sky high. It is a good idea to clean up your credit before shopping around for rates. Pay your bills on time, make more than the minimum payment on credit cards, can improve your credit score in as little as 30 days.

I wish to have my own credit card Is it possible to obtain one though I don't have credit history?

Yes you can. Everyone starts off at some point without a credit history, and there are options available for people who would like to get a credit card without any history of having one. They can start to build their credit history by applying for a secured credit card or applying for a joint credit card with someone who has an established credit history. The third option available to someone who has no credit history is to find a credit card issuer catering to first-time customers and offer student credit cards or bad credit credit cards or just plain and simple credit cards that are able to be approved for with little or no credit history.