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Most likely yes. Contact your local consumer advocates office for specifics on your situation.

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Q: Can you have your wage garnish in PA?
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Can wage be garnish in MA for private student loan?

Yes, they can.

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Can a debt collector garnish your wages on a repossession in Texas?

Yes if you signed a wage garnish when buying the car. If you didn't they may be able to but the courts will have to decide.

You live in Ohio and work in PA can they garnish your wages?

You cannot collect unemployment in another state that you weren't working in. Most of the time you cannot collect unemployment if you were terminated. This is particularly true in an at will state like Ohio.

what % is wage ganishments in Pa?

Pennsylvania does not permit wage garnishments from credit cards or loans.

Can creditors garnish wages in Florida?

Yes, Florida allows wage garnishment by a judgment creditor.

Can a creditor garnish your wages in Pennsylvania?

No They can are in one of the safe states. Texas and North and South Carolina along with Pa are safe states that can not garnish wages.

What does kohl's pay per hour to start in PA?

Whatever minimum wage is for PA.

What is LPN wage in Clearfield PA?


When a collection agency buys your charge-off can they take you to court and garnish your wages?

Yes. They can sue you and if they win a judgment your wages can be garnished as long as you are in a state that allows wage garnishment. If you are in TX, PA, NC, or SC, wages cannot be garnished for this type of debt.