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maybe, but first there gonna just repo the car

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Q: Can you go to jail if you don't pay for your car loan?
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Is it better to buy a car with cash or a loan?

cash, then you dont have to pay anyone back

When someone is a cosigner on the loan of your car does that mean he owns any part of it?

when you cosign on any kind of loan you dont have to pay anything unless the person you cosigned for does not pay the loan, then you are responsible for that the remaining balance on the loan

Can you go to jail after your car has been repossessed and you don't want to pay the loan?

No you can't be sent to prison.You can declare bankruptcy .

You have one payment left on your car loan when you pay it will your credit improve?

If you made all your payments on time this will improve your credit record.

What do you do if you cosign for someone and they wreck the car and sell it but still owe on the loan?

When they get out of jail for selling property with a lien on it, and after YOU pay off the loan, you might consider NOT co-siging again.

Can you go to jail for not paying a bank loan?

Jail is not a penalty for not paying a bank loan. The bank can bring a judgment against the person who does not pay the loan back.

What if you sell your car for less then the loan and still have money to pay back?

i want to pay but he say must pay full..he dont want to discuss but that car i pass to bank already that time i lost my job, so now i want to clear my loan how?

What happens if don't pay the car loan?

If you fail to pay your car loan the bank can repossses your car. It also goes on your credit rating that you defaulted on a loan.

What are some quick ways to establish good credit?

Get a credit card, small loan, car loan... You need to get something that reports to the credit beauros. They will decide when you pay or dont pay to give you a score.

What is easier to pay car loan or bank loan?

bank loan

Can you get car loan with bad pay history from previous loan?

One man had bad credit and had to pay 27% interest on his loan. Yes, he got a car loan. He did not get a 7% loan. You can probably get a car loan. There is no telling what percent you will have to pay and how much down payment you will need to put up.

How do you get out of a used car loan?

To get out of a used car loan, pay off the loan or find someone else who will do that.