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You would need to refinance your mortgage loan to remove the ex.

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Q: Can you get your bankrupt ex partner taken off your joint mortgage?
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Absolutely Not ! One has Nothing to do with the Other !

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Your name cannot be taken off a mortgage because the mortgage is owned by the lender. You remain responsible for the mortgage until it is paid off or refinanced without you.

Is a re mortgage the same thing as a mortgage?

No, a mortgage is a loan taken from a bank to purchase land or property. A remortgage is a loan taken from a bank to pay off an existing mortgage. This is done in an attempt to lower the amount of interest paid to the bank, and should not be confused with a second mortgage.

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Yes, Welcome Finance has gone bankrupt. The company has been taken over by the FSCS while it is insolvent in order to handle claims.

What does taken mean?

taken means that are actually in a relationship..but not really in love... if you say i am in a love taKEN relationship means that you are in a relationship that u love you partner and your partner loves you back

When inheriting property when does the mortgage not go with it?

==One Answer== Inherited real property that is encumbered by a mortgage would be taken free of the mortgage IF the will also specified that the mortgage would be paid by the estate.

What is the difference between a mortgage vs a home equity loan?

A mortgage is taken out for the sole purpose of paying for and acquiring a home. A home equity loan is taken out on a property where you already have a mortgage or have paid off the mortgage and want to release some of the difference between the value of your home and the balance of any remaining mortgage to spend on other purposes.

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What happened to Countrywide mortgage?

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Can a bankrupt start a new company?

In the UK a bankrupt cannot carry on a business. However, after twelve months of restriction, and provided no adverse behaviour on the bankrupt's part has taken place, a discharge is issued by the Court After discharge a bankrupt can carry on, or start, a business without the restrictions that applied during their bankruptcy. And, provided they are not subject to a separate disqualification order, a discharged bankrupt can also act as a director of a limited company or be involved in its management.

How accurate is the BBC's mortgage calculator?

The BBC's mortgage calculator only provides an estimate of what your mortgage should be depending on the data you feed into it. There may be other factors which need to be taken into consideration before the actual mortgage is calculated.