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A foreclosure will be expunged from a person's credit report after seven years have expired from the time the foreclosure was reported. Valid information on a credit report cannot be removed until the required time limit for reportage has expired.

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Q: Can you get a foreclosure off your credit report?
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Related questions

How long does a foreclosure stay on your credit report?

A foreclosure will typically remain on your credit report for seven years.

How to Erase foreclosure off credit report?

wait 7 years

Is there still a past due amount on your credit report after foreclosure?

The foreclosure will be on your credit report indefinitely.

How long does foreclosure stay on your credit report?

A foreclosure will typically remain on your credit report for seven years.

You had foreclosure proceedings started but you sold the home and paid off the bank in full Can the foreclosure proceeding started be remove from your credit report?

If foreclosure proceedings were initiated, and that is all that is claimed on the credit report, then the bank cannot change the report. If the credit report shows that the foreclosure took place, however, the bank would have to correct that. Similarly, a credit card company won't take back any delinquent payments reporting just because the card was paid off. They are legally obligated to report accurately.

How many points will come off your credit report when your foreclosure falls off?

There can be no specific answer, as credit scores are based on the person's entire credit history.

How long will a foreclosure be on your credit report and how will it effect your credit score?

A foreclosure can stay on your credit report for over ten years. It will have a significant and negative impact on your score.

If a court has found a foreclosure illegal and strikes down the Motion to Foreclose with prejudice how do you get the foreclosure off of your credit report?

If the lender does not correct your credit report, then you could send a letter and a copy of the court's decision to the credit agencies. Still, a notice of foreclosure may remain, and I am not sure whether you can make that go away.

What if you had a foreclosure and it is not on your credit report?

It sometimes takes a month or two to be added as a negative on your credit report.

If you were in foreclosure but sold the property before the bank took over and should your credit report state foreclosure on it if the loan was paid off in escrow?

If You Paid The Bank All Moneys Owed, And At Present Are Credit Wise Clear With The Bank. Take Your Report To A Loan Officer Then File A Report With The Credit Reporting Company, This Should Clear This From Your Credit Records.

Is it correct for the loan amount of a foreclosed property to appear on a credit report?

what ever the balance was at the time of foreclosure will report on your credit report

Can filing for bankruptcy remove a foreclosure from your credit report?

No, if property has been foreclosed upon the notation will remain on the credit report for the required amount of time of seven years from date of foreclosure. A bankruptcy remains on the credit report for ten years.