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You would need to sue her in court and obtain a judgment lien. You could use that judgment lien to garnish her wages.

You would need to sue her in court and obtain a judgment lien. You could use that judgment lien to garnish her wages.

You would need to sue her in court and obtain a judgment lien. You could use that judgment lien to garnish her wages.

You would need to sue her in court and obtain a judgment lien. You could use that judgment lien to garnish her wages.

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12y ago

You would need to sue her in court and obtain a judgment lien. You could use that judgment lien to garnish her wages.

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Q: Can you garnish your daughter's wages on a cosigned loan?
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First they must sue you and win a judgment. Then they could garnish your wages.

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If they are the originator of the loan, and you are in arrears, yes, they can.

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If you default on a car loan the creditor may obtain a court judgment that will enable it to garnish your wages. The rules are provided at the link below.