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No. Under the old Bankruptcy Code, you could dismiss student loans if they were not government backed or if they were not issued by an entity that receives state money. However, the new Bankruptcy Code does not make this distinction, so under the new Code no student loans are dischargeable, not even private ones. Please note that nothing in this posting or in any other posting constitutes legal advice; this is simply my understanding of the facts and law, which I do not warrant, and I am not suggesting any course of action or inaction to any person. Speak to a lawyer for specific advice. If you have any questions, please refer to a lawyer in your jurisdiction. Thanks!

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Q: Can you discharge private student loans?
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Can private student loans be consolidated with federal student loans?

Sometimes private student loans can be consolidated depending on certain factors including the rules of your lender, whether you are in deferrment or default and your credit score. You cannot however, consolidate federal student loans and private student loans together.

What are private student loans?

The private student loans are the loans arranged by the student through any of the private banks at a fixed interest rate. To apply to these private student loans you need a cosigner unless your credit rating is too good and you have a source of income.

What are student loans?

The private student loans are the loans arranged by the student through any of the private banks at a fixed interest rate. To apply to these private student loans you need a cosigner unless your credit rating is too good and you have a source of income.

Can you consolidate Private student loans into federal student loans?

no. you will have to consolidate separately. with a federal lender then a private lender.

Are there sites to explain private student loans?

There are many sited that will explain private student loans. Some are and

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where can I get a private student loan?

Private student loans are credit-based, non-federal student loans that can help you cover any school expenses you have remaining when scholarships, grants, and federal student loans arenat enough.

How can you discharge student loans?

Slave wages at best.

Are all student loans issued by the Federal Government?

No..there are also private student loans.

Are all student loans federal loans?

No, private lending institutions (such as banks) also give out student loans.

Will an auto repossession have an effect on your ability to get non-private student loans?

Student loans through FAFSA is not credit based so no it will not. Private student loans is a diffrent story, which is based on credit.