

Can you buy an annuity online?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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No and you would never want to buy something like that online.

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Q: Can you buy an annuity online?
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Where can the best annuity rates be found online?

There are many websites where one can find annuity rates. Some of these include Annuity FYI, Fidelity, USInsuranceOnline, and Annuity Rates Instantly.

Can you use your annuity to buy a house?


Where can one learn about annuity funds?

There are many places where one would be able to learn about annuity funds online. One could visit sites such as Understand Annuities for information regarding annuity funds.

Income from a 300000 annuity?

I think that you mean income from a 300,000 capital lump sum. Correct? An annuity is when your capital is used to buy an income for life. There are two forms of annuity, purchased and compulsary. Purchased means you take your savings and buy an income for the rest of your life. A compulsary annuity is when your savings have been accrued in a tax exempt pension sceme and therefore you have NO CHOICE about buy an annuity with them. Okay, whatever the type of annuity, you get the choice of what type of annuity you buy as follows:- (1) Straightforward annuity. No guarantee. When you die, the income ceases. (2) Guaranteed annuity. The income would be paid for 5 or 10 years whether you were alive or dead. If the latter, it would be paid to your estate for the residual period of the guarantee. (3) Joint life annuity. If you are married and were to die first, the income would be paid to your wife until she died. (4) Indexed linked annuity. The income would be increased at a maximum of 5% per year to offset increases to the cost of living. Note that each time you add sophistication to your choice of annuity, the start level of the annuity would be lower. Also note that annuity rates fluctuate in line with bank interest rates. You should shop around to find the highest annuity payer as rates differ between different insurance companies.

Where can one find a good annuity broker?

Annuity brokers can be found locally or online. Depending on the types of services desired, it is often recommended that one visit an annuity broker in person in order to get customized service and advice.

Related questions

Where can I find more information about buy annuity online without having to talk to an financial advisor?

You can find more information about buy annuity online without having to talk to an financial advisor at Another site is -

Where can one sell annuity online?

There are a variety of sites that offer to buy the annuity of individuals, but it's advisable to ensure that the seller trusts the source. The best option is to consult an investment manager before selling something as important as your annuity.

Where can you find an online annuity calculator?

Calculating the value of your annuity can be an important aspect of settling your finances. Many companies, banks, or colleges have online annuity calculators to help you calculate the value of your annuity.

Where can one find inforation on annuity options?

Forbes Magazine has a good article on Annuity Options. It is educational and lists their recommendations. The article can be found online. It was in the May 1st, 2009 magazine. The name of the article is 'How to Buy Annuities".

Where can one find an annuity payments calculator online?

One can find an annuity payments calculator at a number of places online. For example, DGI Direct, RBC Insurance, Bankrate, and Legal and General all have annuity payments calculators online.

Where can the best annuity rates be found online?

There are many websites where one can find annuity rates. Some of these include Annuity FYI, Fidelity, USInsuranceOnline, and Annuity Rates Instantly.

Where can I go online to find out how to go about getting cash for an annuity?

One popular source to go about getting cash for an annuity is Peachtree Financial Settlement funding, located at This site here is just one of many that will buy your annuity for cash They are trustwrothy and honest.

Can you use your annuity to buy a house?


Can you buy annuity for adult child?


What are the steps to buying an annuity?

To buy annuity, contact your existing pension provider and get a quote from them and other providers. Choose the best quote and fill out the annuity application form for the provider you choose.

Is there a free calculator for immediate annuity?

I also found these websites that offer online calculators; and

Where could I get an annuity calculator?

There is a simple but accurate online annuity calculator at Just enter your information into the form, and the website will take care of all the calculations for you.