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If you have filed bankruptcy because you cannot afford to pay your debts, a lender will not loan you money to purchase a house and it just doesn't make sense. You cannot continue to acquire assets while your assets are frozen and in the possession of the trustee in bankruptcy in a bankruptcy proceeding.

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Q: Can you buy a house if you have filed for bankruptcy?
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Can you buy a house if you have filed bankruptcy?


Can you buy a house if one party has filed bankruptcy but the other hasn't?

Yes, provided you use ONLY your credit for the loan.

If you filed bankruptcy and have decided to sell your house Do you have to let the realtor know about the bankruptcy?

If you filed for bankruptcy and the title company knows about it, then you cannot sell your house. Your title is not free and clear so a buyer could not purchase. It also depends on the bankruptcy, you should talk to your lawyer.

If bankruptcy is filed can you keep your house with a mortgage?

mabey 87% sure

Has American Consolidated Media Inc filed for Bankruptcy?

No, they trying to buy BoA corp.

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If you had a lien placed on your house 2 months before you filed bankruptcy and you filed bankruptcy on that creditor is the lien still valid?

All liens survive bankruptcy. You can get rid of the lien by "avoiding" it. Look up "Avoiding Liens" in google or for more info.

Can you buy a car after chapter 13 dismissed?

Dismissed or completed? If it were dismissed, your credit report will show that you filed for bankruptcy. Obviously, if you filed bankruptcy your credit is not great. You certainly can buy a car for cash. Finding someone to lend you money; or getting a loan will be more difficult.

Has the state of Michigan ever filed for bankruptcy?

No. No state has ever filed for bankruptcy. States are not coverd by current U.S. bankruptcy laws.

How soon after bankruptcy can you buy a house in Nevada?

When you have the money

Did auction house Kruse international declare bankruptcy?

According to the news, Kruse International has not filed bankruptcy. Whether there is any money left is anyones guess.

List all NBA players who filed Bankruptcy?

Tracy McGrady filed for bankruptcy in January of 2014