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Q: Can the owner of a stock transfer ownership of that stock to another person?
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Who sign deeds?

The owner of the property executes (signs) a deed when they want to transfer their ownership in the property to a new owner.

How do you transfer real estate?

Ownership of real estate is generally transferred by deed. Deeds should be drafted by an attorney or other legal professional who specializes in real estate law who can draft a proper deed for your jurisdiction, explain the various tenancies and explain the consequences of the transfer. Ownership of real estate can also be transferred to heirs when the owner dies.

Can a cosigner of a mortgage who is not on the deed legally become the primary owner without notifying the primary owner?

The only way to become the owner of real property is by deed or by inheritance. A person cannot make themselves the owner. They must acquire ownership via a deed from the legal owner. If you co-signed a mortgage for land you do not own then you are simply a volunteer who agreed to pay the mortgage on land you do not own. That doesn't give you any ownership interest in the property. If you are a co-owner of the property who also co-signed a mortgage, you cannot make yourself the "primary" owner of the property. You would need a deed from the other co-owner.

How does ownership differ from control?

Well isn't the answer in the question? I'm just giving you a basic answer here. If we're talking about a business, ownership is where someone owns, or has part ownership of a business. The owner has control/part control over the business, depending on the percentage of the business they own. Most of the time, the business owner will hand over or hire someone to take control (depending on the business type/size) this person is called a manager and the manager will make decisions on the owners behalf, that is what a manager is being paid for, to take control, but will generally consult the owner. If the owner doesn't hire a manager, the owner has control over the business because they are the owner. There are many different ways this can work but i am just giving you the basic understandings of ownership and control over a business, it can be very complicated but I'm sure Wikipedia will be able to answer your question in much greater detail. I hope this has helped.

What is difference between free hold premises lease hold premises?

Lease hold premises is one taken on rental basis form other person based upon an agreement and for a period of time - say 5 years. It is not he asset of user (Lessee). Only a right to use the asset passes to the lessee and ownership stays with the original owner (Lessor). Free hold premises is free of any leasing agreement or contract. The owner and user is the same person, and the right to use and ownership lies with one person only i.e. the owner. Presentation of both the above in financial statements is different. Only owner can claim depreciation on the leased premises (being the owner) and lessee can claim the lease rent paid by him for income tax purpose.

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How should an owner transfer ownership of a piece of property that is not owned equally with another person?

Whatever the interest is the owner can transfer it to a new owner by quitclaim deed.Whatever the interest is the owner can transfer it to a new owner by quitclaim deed.Whatever the interest is the owner can transfer it to a new owner by quitclaim deed.Whatever the interest is the owner can transfer it to a new owner by quitclaim deed.

What is Transfer by assignment?

Transfer by assignment, when speaking of copyrights, is when a copyright owner transfer's his ownership over to another person or company. This is usually done by filling out a form that is found at the Copyright Office, signing the original owner's copyright over to another person after registration. In other words, they 'assign' the original owner's rights over to someone else.

Can you leave life insurance to the insured if so how?

I guess what your question is how to transfer the ownership of insurance policy to the insured if they are different person. The owner of policy can simply sign the form called "policy ownership absolute transfer form" which you can find it through your insurance advisor. If the owner passed away, and you had assigned contingent owner when you applied the insurance, that ownership will be automatically transferred to the contingent owner. Hope it answers your question.

Can anyone transfer a deed on a vacant house to another person?

No. Only the legal owner can transfer the title to a new owner.No. Only the legal owner can transfer the title to a new owner.No. Only the legal owner can transfer the title to a new owner.No. Only the legal owner can transfer the title to a new owner.

Can a person legally own land in Alabama without a deed?

Yes. Land can be inherited from a probated estate and it can be transferred to a new owner by a court order after a trial. The most common way to transfer ownership of land is by deed.Yes. Land can be inherited from a probated estate and it can be transferred to a new owner by a court order after a trial. The most common way to transfer ownership of land is by deed.Yes. Land can be inherited from a probated estate and it can be transferred to a new owner by a court order after a trial. The most common way to transfer ownership of land is by deed.Yes. Land can be inherited from a probated estate and it can be transferred to a new owner by a court order after a trial. The most common way to transfer ownership of land is by deed.

Does value consideration transfer ownership?

No. A deed signed by the owner transfers ownership. The consideration is mentioned on the deed.No. A deed signed by the owner transfers ownership. The consideration is mentioned on the deed.No. A deed signed by the owner transfers ownership. The consideration is mentioned on the deed.No. A deed signed by the owner transfers ownership. The consideration is mentioned on the deed.

What is a property conveyance?

In law, a property conveyance is the transfer of legal title of real property from one person to another, or the granting of an encumbrance such as a mortgage or an easement right in land.In law, a property conveyance is the transfer of legal title of real property from one person to another, or the granting of an encumbrance such as a mortgage or an easement right in land.In law, a property conveyance is the transfer of legal title of real property from one person to another, or the granting of an encumbrance such as a mortgage or an easement right in land.In law, a property conveyance is the transfer of legal title of real property from one person to another, or the granting of an encumbrance such as a mortgage or an easement right in land.

What is meant by conveyance?

Conveyance of land means a voluntary transfer of ownership of land from the current owner to a new owner.

Who sign deeds?

The owner of the property executes (signs) a deed when they want to transfer their ownership in the property to a new owner.

How do you remove a co-owner on a deed without her consent in Texas?

You cannot take a living person's real property without their consent. The only way to transfer ownership is for the owner to convey their interest by a deed.

If you cannot locate the owner of a vehicle how do you transfer title ownership?

You don't. Either the owner or family member,if the person has passed away must get transfer of title and then they must pass it on to you. There are a few cases where a court could transfer it over. But your question in no way states how you have come to think you should own this car.

Can a name be added to a deed without the owners consent?

Of course not. In order to "add" a name to a deed the owner must execute a deed that transfers their interest or a partial interest to another person. Only the owner of property can transfer any interest in it.Of course not. In order to "add" a name to a deed the owner must execute a deed that transfers their interest or a partial interest to another person. Only the owner of property can transfer any interest in it.Of course not. In order to "add" a name to a deed the owner must execute a deed that transfers their interest or a partial interest to another person. Only the owner of property can transfer any interest in it.Of course not. In order to "add" a name to a deed the owner must execute a deed that transfers their interest or a partial interest to another person. Only the owner of property can transfer any interest in it.