That is your card and you can share it with who you like. Be prepared if things don't work out well though. If you allow someone else to use your credit card you will be held personally responsible for any charges they make to your account. If they refuse to pay then you must pay for their purchases. If you can't pay your own credit will be ruined.
Your credit card number is typically printed on the front of your card. It is a unique series of digits that identifies your account. Be sure to keep your credit card number secure and not share it with others to protect against fraud.
If your CVV number is erased from your credit card, you should contact your credit card issuer immediately to request a new card with a new CVV number for security reasons. Do not share your CVV number with anyone or store it in an insecure manner.
They could use it if they have your PIN number.
Yes, you can activate your credit card by calling the phone number provided on the card or by visiting the card issuer's website and following the activation instructions.
No, you can not give credit that you have to someone else. You can loan someone money or your credit card, but you are still responsible for paying the credit card company back.
No, unless you hack someone
The credit card number is the 16-digit number on the front of the card; the security code is a three- or four-digit number on the back of the card.
credit and debit cards
can some body please give me there credit card number
Most credit cards I know of have a 16-digit number. It will often be divided into groups of 4 on the card, but this is mostly for readability. I hope this question isn't an attempt to get someone to provide you with a valid credit card number.
It is written right on the card, and few people are wary enough that people do not see it. Every business that accepts that credit card has a record of it. But the only reason for needing it otherwise...would be to illegally use it. So getting someone's credit card number is only the prelude to a criminal act.
They could use it if they have your PIN number.
Yes, everyone who has a credit card has a credit card number.
it's a credit card number.
Get ahold of your credit card company and have them run the name along with the social security number to check the purchases of the card or cards.
No, you can not give credit that you have to someone else. You can loan someone money or your credit card, but you are still responsible for paying the credit card company back.
No, The credit card number is the long string of numbers embossed on the card. The account number is not shown on the credit card - it will be on your statements.