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It really all depends on your particular situation. If your credit is good and the loan officer sees that your business is viable, then you should be able to get a commercial loan.

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Q: Can my small business get a commercial loan?
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What are the different types of business loans available for a commercial business?

There are all types of small business loans an SBA loan, it is actually applying for a commercial loan, structured according to are not available to small businesses that have access to other financing on reasonable terms.

Where can one find a good small business commercial loan?

The best choice to start looking for a good "Small Business Commercial Loan" would be at one's local bank. The bank's respected website will also contain information about the subject.

What kind of loan do you need to purchase a piece of a small business?

You may either apply for a small business loan or a personal loan. Google small business loans

What is the main difference between a commercial loan company and a personal loan company?

The main difference is that only a business can receive a commercial loan, and only an individual can receive a personal loan. Also, a commercial loan can only be used for business purposes, while a personal loan can be used for anything.

Where can one obtain a commercial business loan?

The only place to obtain a commercial business loan is at a bank. In order to obtain one, it is obligatory to have a company as well as a solid business plan.

where can i get a small start up va business loan ?

Where can i get a small start up va business loan.

Where can a business owner apply for a commercial business loan?

A business owner can apply for a commercial business loan at a nearby bank. In finance, a loan is a debt evidenced by a note which specifies, among other things, the principal amount, interest rate, and date of repayment.

Can you use a personal business loan for your small business?

Yes, you can use a personal business loan for your small business, even though you might need to consider a small business loan for those purposes. Personal business loan rates are also higher.

What is the use of a miniorty small business loan?

The use of a minority small business loan is to give a small business a small amount of money which later will have to be re payed. These are mostly used when a business starts out.

Where would I apply for a small business loan in Atlanta to open a small flower shop?

You need to contact the Small business administration for help with a small business loan. Their website is

Creating a Business Plan for a Commercial Loan?

The first step in getting commercial loans is creating a solid business plan. Your company's business plan will spell out the mission of your business, a forecast of the business' profits and an analysis of market trends. Having a solid business plan will assure the lender that your business will be able to repay the loan. Add in a profit and loss statement, a marketing plan, sales forecasts and a market analysis when applying for your commercial loan. When you present the best financial picture possible, you will be more likely to receive the commercial loan that your business needs.

What is the definition of an SBA commercial loan?

SBA means Small Business Administration. Go to and it will give the break down of what is involved in an SBA commercial loans. There several categories based on how many employees, what type of business, etc.