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No. If they are tell them that the debt is paid off, and ask for them to cease any future calls. You might want to check to see if your credit report is updated with this paid status.

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Q: Can creditors call once the debt is no longer on your credit report?
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How do you get a free experian credit report?

To Get an Experian Credit Report you can request one from there website , or you can call and 800 number for the Annual Credit Report and Request one through them.

How do you find out what financial institution issued a credit card when the account number is not on your credit report?

Call the Credit report agency that pulled your credit from the Bureau's and ask them to look at the back of the credit report where it says inquiries.

What can a creditor do if you are in default on a credit card?

A creditor can turn you over to collections and report you to the credit reporting agencies. Depending on what type of credit card you are talking about, the creditor can also demand return of items purchased on the card (such as an appliance store account). If you are getting harassing phone calls at home or work (yes, they are allowed to call you at work), you can send them a written letter stating that you no longer want them to call you at home or work (sent via registered mail with return receipt). The creditor would then be allowed to call you one more time to verify receipt of your letter. Creditors are also not allowed to call you before 7am or after 9pm. Due to privacy isses, creditors are not allowed to tell your employer or others not listed on the credit account why they are calling.

Who do you report a lost credit card to?

Call your Visa backer. Call your Visa guarantor promptly to report the misfortune or burglary of your missing card. Ordinarily, you would check the rear of the card for the phone number to call affordabledebtconsolidation.

Who do you call to fix your credit report?

If there is an error in your credit report, you must contact the particular Credit Reporting Agency that issued the report and provide them with correct information, in writing and, if possible, with supporting documentation.

Related questions

What is the procedure for a creditor to be listed on a credit report?

== == Call that creditor and request for them to report your information with all three bureaus. Be aware that not all creditors will do this, but it does not hurt to try.

What can you do if a find a mistake on your credit report?

Call the credit card company

Who should you call if a credit card company listed you as deceased on your credit report?

You should call the credit card company.

Where can one obtain an accurate credit rating scale?

A credit rating scale can be obtained from Equifax, Experian, or Call Credit in the UK via post or online. Oneself must assess the accuracy of the report as to whether this is so. Errors are on occasion made by creditors whilst updating reports.

How do you get a free experian credit report?

To Get an Experian Credit Report you can request one from there website , or you can call and 800 number for the Annual Credit Report and Request one through them.

How do you find out what financial institution issued a credit card when the account number is not on your credit report?

Call the Credit report agency that pulled your credit from the Bureau's and ask them to look at the back of the credit report where it says inquiries.

What can a creditor do if you are in default on a credit card?

A creditor can turn you over to collections and report you to the credit reporting agencies. Depending on what type of credit card you are talking about, the creditor can also demand return of items purchased on the card (such as an appliance store account). If you are getting harassing phone calls at home or work (yes, they are allowed to call you at work), you can send them a written letter stating that you no longer want them to call you at home or work (sent via registered mail with return receipt). The creditor would then be allowed to call you one more time to verify receipt of your letter. Creditors are also not allowed to call you before 7am or after 9pm. Due to privacy isses, creditors are not allowed to tell your employer or others not listed on the credit account why they are calling.

Who do you report a lost credit card to?

Call your Visa backer. Call your Visa guarantor promptly to report the misfortune or burglary of your missing card. Ordinarily, you would check the rear of the card for the phone number to call affordabledebtconsolidation.

Who do you call to fix your credit report?

If there is an error in your credit report, you must contact the particular Credit Reporting Agency that issued the report and provide them with correct information, in writing and, if possible, with supporting documentation.

Are online credit reports accurate?

Most online credit reports are accurate. However, if you receive a copy of your credit report and there is a decrepancy, call or write the credit report company to get this corrected.

How can you obtain a copy of your free yearly credit report?

You can obtain your credit report, on line ready for printing, at: or call 877-322-8228 and your credit report will be mailed to you within 6 weeks.

How do you get bad credit off your credit report?

You pull your credit report at credit report .com and as long as it has been seven years you can go online to dispute it. It should say dispute just push the button or call to dispute it they should have a number for each credit report which concist of three separate ones.