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Yes, with a court order.

Obviously, its sort of a conflict to start to say you have money in the bank, but won't pay your bills...those things you promised to pay with ANY money you had before others and certainly new ones.

If the credit card company is the same or affiliated with your bank, and your bank account contract provides for it (which most all modern ones do), you will probably find in the credit card agreement you made with it, that they do not even have to proceed in a court process; they can just withdraw the amount owed from any account you have with the bank.

Obviously, the company and the bank must maintain careful records to which you and your counsel have access if there is a question in the courts.

In addition, you may be responsible for all accruing interest, and any costs which the creditor incurrs to satisfy the debt. Your contract will probably control.

Common sense should tell you, all these large, powerful, rich and influential banks and lenders have not become so by accepting "I can't/won't pay...what ya' gonna do about it" and not being able to collect their loans and the costs of doing so.

Finally, I don't think garnish is the correct term (that is generally used for something against wages)...I believe it is "offset" or "seize".

AnswerYES! They absolutely can. In the state of Virginia they can draw unpaid debt right out of your account. That goes for the IRS obviously as well.
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Q: Can credit card companies garnish your bank account if you don't pay the bills?
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One can pay credit card bills online by consulting with the website of their credit card company. Many companies offer an option to pay credit card bills online.

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They can report the account as deliquent to the credit agencies. They can also sue you. With a judgment, they can put a lien on your house and garnish your wages.

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Good credit And A record of paying bills on time.

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Most companies will allow you to pay bills online. The most common bills people pay online are credit card bills from companies like Visa and Master Card.

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Yes, this is only reported on your credit report if it is a collection account.

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There is consumer credit companies that will help you get on track with your bills by working with your creditors to lower payment.

When you settle on a credit card bill how does it effect your credit rating?

Credit card bills affect the credit rating in that the late payments will show on the report and points will be counted against you. Once you have paid, make certain that the three credit reporting companies note that it has been paid; eventually the account will age and become a positive for you. This is since it will show available credit that you are not using.

How long are unpaid medical bills on your credit score?

Unpaid medical bills are on your credit score until they are settled with the company that issued the bills or written off of the credit report. This could be for many years if you are making payments on the account or might end more quickly if you have declared bankruptcy.

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To successfully close an account, you must first have a zero balance on said account. Otherwise, you will still receive bills on that balance, which can and probably will accrue late charges.

Does a few late payment internet bill's effect your credit?

Only when the bills are turned over to collections. An ISP probably will pull your credit report, just as a cell phone company would, but an Internet account is not a credit account.