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Maybe, without knowing the state of residency it is not possible to give a more definitive answer. Each state establishes it's own banking regulatory laws. Some states do not allow the levy of joint accounts, others allow savings and loans and credit union accounts to be levied but not banks, and so on. You would need to consult the laws of the state in which you live to find out what applies in your circumstances. A simpler way would be to contact the credit union and ask them how an account levy would affect joint account holders.

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Q: Can credit card co. garnish wages from girlfriend's joint account from credit union?
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Yes, as long as your listed as a "Co-signer" on the account. Credit is not build if you are just an "Authorized User" if this was a credit card account. Lastly, this all assumes that whatever this joint-account is that it reports to credit.

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Yes, anytime you open a new credit account, even if it is a joint account, it is reported on your credit report either when it is opened or when it is unpaid.

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Yes to the extent that the loan becomes an asset (bank account, etc.).

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If this relates to a joint account holder or cosigner, then yes the person's credit rating will be affected by a repossession. Yes, whoever's name the car is in will be affected by the car's repossession. Only if the car is somehow tied to the account. Only a bad payment history on that joint account can affect your credit.

Can creditors garnish joint savings accounts if one party on the account is not named in lawsuit?

In most states, creditors can garnish any account joint or not as long as the person they are trying to collect from is on that account. Sorry. The non debtor account holder should supply proof of the amount of funds held in the account that belongs to them. The court will then decide which funds are subject to levy. An exception to the levy of joint accounts is if the account is held by a married couple in a state that recognizes Tenancy By The Entirety of personal property, in such a case, the account cannot be levied when only one spouse is the debtor.